Write For Us News And Media: Viral Writing Chance 2023!

All Information About Write For Us News And Media

The article talks about Write For Us News and Media guest post blogs and ways to write the blogs in reader-friendly style.

Are you the person who is more interested in sharing about the news media? Then, do you possess the writing talent to craft high-quality guest posts?

If the answer is yes, then we, the Hastabc team, are happy to announce that we will bring the trending guest blogging opportunity to our platform. The chosen topic for the writing chance is news and media. Hence, the interested person must read this entire article without fail to know more about this Write For Us News And Media writing opportunity.

Introduction to our website “Hastabc”

Our website is a highly prominent and leading one that creates lots of authentic and knowledgeable articles for a wide range of readers. Our readers are from different backgrounds, so we have various topics suitable for their needs and interests. We are sharing the most curated content for our readers, which has helped us gain the most reputable position in the hearts of our visitors.

Write for Us + News and Media Required skill sets and experience

News and media are a vast platform. It refers to the print media as well as the internet media. Every country’s news media is helping its citizens learn about their country and other international countries’ economic performances, sports data, entertainment, etc. Everything gets included in the news media category. 

We have designed some essential qualifications and criteria to bring out the best News and Media Write for Us article. Hence, the person who fulfills these criteria alone can send their work to us.

Professionals like journalists, editors, and reporters of magazines, television, radio, and newspapers can make their attempts; other than that, social media managers, public relations specialists, broadcast news analysts, news producers, media relations specialists, photojournalists, copywriters, and multimedia journalists can share their experiences with us. If any other person comes under the news and media category, they can use this “Write for Us” + News and Media opportunity.

Educational background: People who completed degree courses in mass communication, media courses, journalism, languages, society and culture, geopolitics, media production, media law, ethnicities, etc., can share their educational knowledge with us.

News and Media + “Write for Us” Topics for Reference 

  • How is conventional journalism different from social media, and how has it affected genuine and authentic journalism?
  • What is the role of news and media in shaping governmental and public policies?
  • What technological inventions are helping the news and media sectors? Recently, many countries have brought up their own AI news readers. Hence, writers can discuss such innovations in their articles.
  • What steps can be taken to combat the spread of fake news in today’s digital world? Because one fake news story has even led to lynching!

News and Media “Write for Us” Guidelines to be maintained

  • The guest post article word length should be kept in the range of 1500 to 2500.
  • The article must be entirely written in English. Please don’t write the article in a bilingual manner. If the writer wants to quote any phrases or different language words, they can mention those words and explain their meaning. For example, if they say “Coupe du Monde,” they should add the translation “World Cup. “
  • The news media article should be written without any grammar errors.
  • Write for Us + News And Media Writers should not spread violence or triggering information in their articles. Don’t take any extreme left- or right-wing stances. It is always a good gesture for news media writers to present the news from a neutral perspective so that we can deliver the absolute truth.
  • The first and most important thing is that the news media article needs to be 100% unique because World Cup 2023 news is the same for every news media outlet. However, how each writer presents the information is different and must be unique. Hence, Write For Us News And Media guest post writers should follow the same pattern.
  • Writers must include loyalty-free images in their articles.
  • We request the writers not to use overly fancy or jargon words because all age groups love to read news articles; hence, we should make our articles highly understandable.
  • Writers must pick one news topic and explain its ins and outs in detail. Don’t take many issues and club them into one article.

News And Media Write for Us SEO guidelines

  • Every news and media article should be extra-powered by SEO strategies to overcome our competitors.
  • Writers must search for trending SEO keywords related to the chosen topic and select a combination of all three, that is, short-tail, medium-tail, and long-tail keywords. Kindly don’t focus only on the high-competition keywords.
  • Remember to add the necessary inbound and outbound links to the news media articles.


  • The writer’s work will be viewed by thousands and thousands of our “Write for Us” + News and Media readers; among them, some might like the author’s work and offer them a new writing project as well. We act as a platform to expose your writing skills.
  • Our writers and editors’ crews are highly skilled and professional; hence, the writers can learn many new skills from them.

How to submit the article?

The article should be submitted to our editorial mail address:[email protected].


Thus, the article wholly explains every detail to be noted while crafting a high SEO-powered Write For Us News and Media article for interested writers. Please put in extra effort to participate in this opportunity by posting articles at mailing address: [email protected] because the published article presents an excellent opportunity for the News media writers to express their talent to a broad audience.

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