Write For Us News – Read And Follow Guidelines Below!

about-gerenal-information Write For Us News

This article on Write for Us News provides you with all information about the needs and guidelines for write for us news articles.

News keeps us updated with the happenings going around. Most people around us like to read the news and stay updated with the happenings. This has resulted in a rise in demand for news.

Do you have good writing skills? Do you want to share exceptional news with the global audience about sports, entertainment etc.? Have you ever worked in the news industry? Please read this article about Write for Us News to fetch information about guidelines.

About us:

Hastebc is a renowned site with a significant number of global readers. We have a team of renowned writers who provide us with error-free and exceptional news from all over. We provide news on various topics related to entertainment, knowledge, sports, research etc. We have a significant amount of audience across the globe who read our write-ups daily and trust us for good content free of misleading and wrong information. Our team must check deeply before sending to publish error-free and correct news.

Write for Us + News guidelines:

We welcome you all to write for us, but before starting your write-up, you should keep in mind the following guidelines to write a good article. You should make sure that your blog is based on the following guidelines. You should be aware that we hold all rights to reject your article if not found according to the guidelines mentioned below:

  1. We don’t accept articles with plagiarism. Your content should be unique and free from any copy.
  2. The length of your write-up can be between 500-1000 words. 
  3. The readability score of Write for Us News must be above 90, and it should be unique.
  4. The article should be presented well, and the Grammarly score must be above 99.
  5. You should know the SEO guidelines to get your article in a good position in web searching.
  6. After you finish 80 per cent, you must provide two links from trusted sources.
  7. Keywords should be aligned properly and must be kept between .90 to 110 according to blog length.
  8. The title should be a catchy one to attract readers.

Benefits of News Write for Us for the contributors:

  1. You will get to have a significant amount of audience that reads our write-ups regularly.
  2. You will have the keywords to ensure a better write-up and helps your article rank on top.
  3. The post will be on our website for a long, so your article will be read by a lot of the audience continuously.
  4. News websites can get a targeted audience, and you can provide them with informative pieces of your work.
  5. You can share your story with the global audience and get to have readymade traffic.

Who can “Write for Us” + News?

  1. You can write for us if you are good at research and can provide well-researched original content.
  2. If your write-up is published elsewhere, then we don’t accept the write-up.
  3. Your news should be unique and catchy, and you must ensure that it attracts the audience to read it.

What topic can you choose for the write-up?

  1. You can write about international events and sports.
  2. You can write for global news that is read everywhere, like global economic situation.
  3. You can write news related to entertainment and global facts.

How to submit News + “Write for Us”?

If you are interested in writing for us and want to share a good piece of information with the global reader on Hastebc, then you can contact us through this [email protected]

We welcome all who are interested in this write-for-us news guest post. It would be a plus point if you have some experience, but freshers are welcome if you have great writing skills. You must note that we have the full right to accept or reject your write-up. Once accepted, you can’t send that anywhere else as it would be considered plagiarism.


We welcome all of you, experienced or fresher, for News “Write for Us”. You can share your news on our platform and get a significant amount of readymade audience. For any query related to the write-up, you can reach our team at the above-mentioned id. For more information about SEO, you can check this link.

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