Write For Us Hr – Check Skill And Guidelines Here!

About General Information Write for Us HR

If you would like to share your knowledge and experience in HR, read the guidelines below for Write for Us HR posts.

The human resource field has expanded in recent decades. It is now not only related to hiring, induction, and retirement but covers a wide range of functions for employee welfare and specifically retention.

If you are from the human resource department/field and want to share your knowledge, experience, and expertise, then you can write an HR guest post on our platform. Let’s check the guidelines for Write for Us HR.

About us:

We are a knowledge-based website publishing content daily related to bitcoin, blockchain, business, businesses, vehicles, cryptocurrency, currency exchange, education, entrepreneur, finance, gaming tips, health, industry, investment, law or legal, money, real estate, technology, travel, website and product reviews, news, Etc.

As a knowledge-based platform, our global audience comes from various walks of life, including readers interested in human resources. Hence, we are focused on providing immense knowledge about HR-related topics.

Skill sets of the writer:

Writing HR posts requires experience in the HR industry or educational background in HR studies. However, to HR Blog “Write For Us”, you need not have a qualification in HR if you are already working as an HR professional.

It must be noted that an HR post serves as a central nervous system in any industry. Hence, the readers are interested to read about the real-time experience of an HR professional. Therefore, your experience as an HR professional is valuable.

Additionally, the writer should have good written communication and research skills. He should be able to provide beneficial advice on topics related to HR as, generally, changes and innovations in HR industries often face resistance.

Guidelines for Write For Us HR Blog Guest Post:

  • Your write-up must entirely focus on topics related to HR,
  • The article should reach a word limit of 1,000-1,500 words,
  • Do not include any sponsored or advertisement links in the write-up,
  • Submit at least 2 related and non-copyrighted images with your post,
  • A safe and reliable conclusion should be arrived at based on information in the article.

SEO Guidelines for writing HR posts:

  • The article should be easily understandable with a high readability score,
  • The density and placement of keywords should be consistent,
  • The content must have a logical flow and Write For Us + “HR Blog” be organized using bullet points, headings, and subheads,
  • Misinformation must be eliminated, and only facts should be included from reliable sources,
  • The article must avoid disrespectful, offensive words and be written in a passive voice,
  • Redundancy and repetitive information should be avoided,
  • The guest post must be unique and without plagiarism,
  • The write-up should be free from grammatical errors,
  • Two do-followup links must be included in the content,
  • One external link with a low spam score and good trust index must be included.

Topics related to HR posts:

  1. Best practices,
  2. Write For Us + HR Blog on solutions to HR issues,
  3. Connecting to HR,
  4. HR Consultants,
  5. Compliance,
  6. Employee management,
  7. Employee collaboration,
  8. Employee communication,
  9. Employee engagement,
  10. Employer branding and recruitment marketing,
  11. Employee compensation and benefits, including insurance, bonus, etc.,
  12. HR problem-solving techniques,
  13. HR professionals,
  14. HR software,
  15. HR technology and tools,
  16. HR technology vendor,
  17. HRIS,
  18. Insights from an HR research,
  19. Latest recruitment trends,
  20. Leaders thoughts,
  21. Managing remote teams,
  22. HR apps,
  23. Performance management,
  24. Recognition and rewards,
  25. Statistics and analysis from HR industries,
  26. Talent acquisition and management,
  27. On-boarding,
  28. Recruitments, 
  29. Workplace and safety of employees, Etc.

Keywords for HR posts: 

  • “Write for Us” + “HR’
  • Write for Us HR
  • “Blog Guest Post” + “Write For Us HR”
  • “HR Blog” + ‘Write For Us”
  • “Write For Us” + “HR Blog”
  • “Guest post on” + “HR”
  • “Contribute to HR posts”
  • ‘Submit an article on” + “HR”
  • “HR” + ‘Write for Us Guest Post”
  • “Write-up on” + “HR topics”

Submitting HR posts:

You can email your article on [email protected] for our review or direct publishing. Our editorial team will review your write-ups, and we reserve the right to modify and delete any unwanted content in your article.

Our team will contact you before publishing your Write for Us HR posts. Please navigate to the ‘contact us’ section to access the email address for submitting the HR guest posts.


You can get more views and a global reach as a knowledgeable HR professional. You get the opportunity to expand your network as an influencer; and build a long-lasting relationship with our readers. As HR posts are related to sensitive topics, you must be experienced in the HR field or have an educational background related to HR.

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