Write For Us Gardening – Trending Writing Rules 2023!

All Information About Write For Us Gardening

Learn more about Write For Us Gardening, along with the mentioned SEO guidelines and procedure for submitting an article

Do you love Gardening? Does Gardening help you relax your mind and soul? Can you write about your love for Gardening as a guest post article? Then, our Hastabc website will develop an exciting guest blogging opportunity where the writers can show their writing talent over our platform. But to present the article, we have curated some guidelines and submission rules, and we plead with every Write For Us Gardening writer to follow those in their article.

Introduction to our website “Hastabc”

We are the team behind the content creation platform, where we publish content based on the needs and interests of the readers. We take pride in saying that our website has impressed many readers of different backgrounds, including doctors, teachers, students, youngsters, etc. To satisfy all their needs, we have been sharing many authentic and knowledgeable articles for an extended period.

Our topics revolve around

  • Entertainment
  • Latest news
  • Education
  • Health
  • Website reviews
  • Product reviews

What are the Write for Us + Gardening writers’ qualifications?

Gardening lasts in our homes for centuries and centuries; be it 10 plants or 100 plants, Gardening happens everywhere. Some studies prove that Gardening helps people relax their minds a lot. So here on our platform, we have decided to take up Gardening as our topic as it will help many readers. But for writing a guest post article, the writers must have some acquired skillsets and knowledge. And here in this section, we will see all those Gardening Write for Us qualification details individually.

Profession: Garden workers, florists, botanists, farm laborers, nursery assistants, garden center workers, irrigation technicians, agronomists, horticulture managers, loggers, horticulturists, groundkeepers, landscape architects, foresters, ecologists, etc., can share their professional knowledge with us. In addition to that, the gardening sector has roots in many types of jobs. Hence, other professionals linked to the gardening sector can share their knowledge with us.

“Write for Us” + Gardening Topics 

  • What is the most efficient way to create a wonderful garden in a smaller space? Which plants must be planted in smaller places, and will they get sufficient sunlight?
  • What types of pots should be chosen for each type of gardening plant?
  • What is meant by edible garden, and why is it trending all over the Internet? How can we grow edible gardens in our backyards, rooftops, and so on?
  • Is lighting essential for Gardening? How do I add artificial lights to Gardening for planting?
  • What are the organic methods that can be followed for gardening plants?
  • Gardening + “Write for Us” Writers can also discuss environmentally friendly plants, pollinator-friendly plants, exotic plants, etc.
  • What are the pros and cons of maintaining Gardening in our homes?
  • How are hanging gardens trending on the Internet? How do we build our own homes?

General guidelines

  • The article word limit should be 1500 to 2500.
  • Our team won’t accept any shorter-length articles than those mentioned above. Thus, kindly maintain this prescribed word limit.
  • The writers should adequately maintain the structure of the article. The introduction, principal parts, and summary should be distinguished clearly.
  • Gardening “Write for Us Article content should be genuine and authentic. Writers can choose from books, theories, research papers, websites, etc. But everything should be a reliable source for creating guest post articles.
  • The article should be written in highly professional English without spelling or grammatical errors.
  • In order to enhance the presentation of the article, writers can use tables, charts, diagrams, etc. We encourage everyone to use their pictures so that the copyright problem won’t be an issue for us.
  • There is no place for spreading fake content in our Write For Us Gardening guest post articles.
  • Writers must try to give credit to any data, quotes, or references. For example, writers should add the authority or the person’s name if they post quotes or statements.
  • Copied or AI-generated content will not be accepted, even if written in a high-quality manner. Hence, the writers should recheck the article with an online plagiarism checker and AI generation checking tools.

Write for Us + Gardening writers SEO guidelines

  • The article needs to be reinforced according to the SEO rules and regulations. If we did so, then we would be able to increase the SERP rankings of the article.
  • The target and focus keywords must be added to the article.
  • Backlinking helps us increase the credibility of the article. Hence, add appropriate internal and external links accordingly.
  • Writers must write a suitable meta description of the topic and kindly maintain a character limit of 90 to 160.


  •  Gardening Write for Us writer’s works are highly recognized on our platform, and to ensure that, our platform publishes the respective guest post writers’ names upon final publication.
  • Getting valuable experience is very important in the writing industry, and writers can avail themselves of that helpful experience from our team.
  • As our platform has a vast number of readers, they will surely help the guest post article get popular.

Submission rules

  • The writers need to send their online writings via this email address: [email protected].
  • We kindly request everyone to mention their name along with their guest blogging niche in the subject line without fail.
  • If you want, the “Write for Us” + Gardening writers can also mention their other websites that work with us; if they are related, we can also use those links as reference external links, which will help us get more traffic for your website.


Thus, the article helps writers write in detail about the guest blogging post. You are the person who is going to light up the moods of the people by stating Gardening tips; thus, don’t hesitate to shoot out and submit your Write For Us Gardening articles to this email address [email protected] unfailingly.

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