Write For Us Football – Read And Follow Instructions!

About General Information Write For Us Football

Please share your understanding, experience, knowledge, expertise, and know-how about football by contributing to Write for Us Football.

Many indoor and outdoor games are promoted by schools for developing positive social skills, self-confidence, self-worth, teaching respect for others, building positive self-image, Etc. Therefore, from childhood, kids are excited about football. But, many settle in a different profession with an interest in football hidden in their hearts. 

Would you like to share your knowledge of football? You can provide information related to football topics to such an interested global audience by submitting a Write for Us Football guest post.

About Hastebc.org:

We also publish several articles daily related to football, plumbing, website and product reviews, travel, technology, vehicles, real estate, money, news, Law or legal, industry, investment, gaming tips, finance, health, entrepreneurship, currency exchange, education, Cbd, businesses, cryptocurrency, blockchain, bitcoin, Etc.

We are a worldwide platform reaching thousands of readers. We regularly publish the latest information and news about sports and players. We provide factual and authentic information, filtering rumors and misinformation.

Our global readers come from various walks of life with different tastes and interests. Many of our users are interested in Write For Us Football Blog Guest Post as it is popular in their countries. We focus on providing the latest and trending information about football to engage our readers.

The skill set of a writer:

You need not hold an educational qualification or background in sports. However, the writer of football posts should be able to provide credible information in his write-ups. The writer should be able to research well on topics related to football. He should understand the topics and statistical data of the football dashboard. 

An SJA or AIPS identification is preferred. Additionally, good knowledge about the game, excellent written communication skills, and experience in the field of football are valued.

General guidelines for Football Blog “Write For Us”:

  • The article should specifically focus on topics related to football,
  • The content must contain an introduction and reliable conclusion,
  • The write-up must not contain any promotional/advisement links,
  • The blog should reach the target word limit of 1,000 to 1,500 words,
  • You must include two non-copyrighted pictures related to the topic.

SEO guidelines:

  • The football post must be organized using an engaging title, bullet points, subheads, and headings,
  • Football articles must be in a passive and friendly voice, avoiding disrespectful and offensive content,
  • Accurate statistics and factual information should be derived from reliable sources,
  • Consistent density and placement of target keywords must be achieved in Write For Us + “Football Blog”,
  • The football guest post must have a high readability score,
  • The article must be free from repetitive and redundant information,
  • The football write-up must not contain plagiarism,
  • The guest post on football should not contain grammatical errors,
  • One external link must be included with a low spam profile and good trust ratings,
  • The content must include two do-follow-up links.

Topics for football posts:

  • UEFA,
  • FIFA,
  • Football content that is not time-bound,
  • General information and news on football.

Based on countries—

  • South American football, 
  • Central and North American football, 
  • African football, 
  • Asian football, 
  • World football.

Important stats in Write for Us Football Blog—

  • Distance gained per each run,
  • Average distance per successfully caught pass,
  • Percentage of passes caught,
  • Average distance of kicking the ball,
  • the number of fumbles,
  • Assists Per Game(APG),
  • Goals Per Game(GPG),
  • Shots on Goal(SOG),
  • Concise scout reports, 

Related to famous players, clubs and teams—

  • AC Milan,
  • Arsenal,
  • Barcelona,
  • Bayern Munich,
  • Boca Juniors,
  • Borussia Dortmund,
  • Chelsea,
  • Everton,
  • Inter Milan,
  • Juventus,
  • Liverpool FC,
  • Manchester United,
  • PSG,
  • Real Madrid,
  • Tottenham, Etc.


  • allintitle:football + guest post
  • allintitle:football + write for us
  • allintitle:football + submit blog post
  • football + inurl:contributors
  • football + inurl:category/guest
  • football + “contributor guidelines”
  • football + “become a contributor”
  • football + “guest blog”
  • football + “guest column”
  • Write For Us + Football Blog
  • football + “guest post opportunities”
  • football + “contributing writer”

Submitting the guest posts:

Please email your write-ups to contact. [email protected] for review and publishing. Hastebc.org editorial team reserves the right to modify, edit, or delete any unwanted football write-up content. If your football blog is approved, the hastebc.org team will contact you prior to its publication.

Final thoughts:

Football guest posts published on our platform enable you to expand your network as an influencer, get more views for your articles, a reachable global reader, and help build a long-lasting global customer relationship through your Write for Us Football posts. You must have good knowledge about football, excellent communication, research, and understanding skills.

Were guidelines for writing football guest posts informative? Please comment below on this article about football write-ups.

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