How to See What Someone Is Doing on Their Phone?

How to See What Someone Is Doing on Their Phone

The advent of mobile phones revolutionized how we communicate with the outside world. Today, more than 90% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. Despite their tremendous benefits, cell phones can expose kids and elderly people to fraudsters, molesters, and bullies who roam online.

If you’ve been searching for ways to access other people’s devices and see what they’re up to, then you’re in luck. This article discusses how to see what someone is doing on their phone using some effective solutions. Check the mspy vs xnspy reviews to get the best app to check someone’s phone remotely.

Most Obvious Way to See Everything Someone Does on Their Phone

Monitoring someone else’s mobile phone activity requires a very clever approach. The quickest and most obvious solution would be to peek at their phone when they unlock it.

After noting the passcode they’re using, wait for the perfect opportunity to grab their phone. The best time would be when they’re busy doing some chores or running errands.

However, this technique could backfire if your target user types too fast or uses a complicated unlock pattern. Even if you manage to successfully cram their phone’s passcode, you might never get the chance to access their device for a sufficient period.

To see what someone is doing on their phone, you stand a better chance of success if you simply request for their cell phone. Politely make your intentions clear rather than beating around the bush.

Most Effective Solution

Using a tracking app to see what someone is doing on their phone is by far the most effective way to monitor their mobile activity. Although there are quite a number of apps that can come in handy, mSpy is arguably the best of the lot.

mSpy is equipped with an assortment of unique features that can help parents, couples, and business owners to keep a close eye on their target users’ device usage. These include:

  • Social messaging apps tracker: mSpy reveals their sent and received messages on WhatsApp, Telegram, Snapchat, Tinder, Viber, iMessage, and a host of other messenger apps. It even shows you all the posts, photos, videos, and MMS files that your loved ones shared with other people.
  • Phone call monitor: if you’re worried that your kids might be conversing with the wrong people, mSpy has a powerful phone call monitor that displays the identity and contact information of everyone on their call log. You’ll even get detailed timestamps and call durations to discover how long they spoke.
  • Screenrecorder: you can secretly mirror someone’s phone using mSpy’s screenrecorder. This feature captures visual snapshots of their screens in real-time and stores them for your future review. You can view these snippets by visiting the app’s control panel.
  • Keylogger: mSpy also has an accurate keylogger that intercepts and saves your target users’ keystrokes. You can conveniently view their texts, emails, and account credentials using this intriguing feature.

With mSpy, you’ll get a remarkable opportunity to spy on your loved one’s phone remotely. The app is entirely discreet, meaning that they’ll never suspect that you’re tracking them.

Is It Acceptable to Mirror Someone’s Phone?

Before using a spy app to see others’ phone screen, you should probably know that it’s illegal to track other people’s devices without their consent.

There are a few situations when it might be okay to view what other people are doing on their phones. These include:

  • If the target user agreed to be monitored

Individuals who consent to be tracked do it for different reasons. Some accept it as an employment condition, while others agree just to please their spouses. Either way, it’s okay to track someone’s phone if you have their permission.

  • If you’re tracking a minor

The law allows parents to track their kids’ phones and supervise them however they see fit. However, those children have to be below 18 years old.

  • If you own the device being tracked

People have the freedom to monitor any device that belongs to them without worrying about ruffling the feathers of law enforcers.


Learning how to see what someone is doing on their phone can help parents to safeguard their children from online threats. It also allows couples to build a foundation of trust. After conducting plenty of research, we’ve found mSpy to be the most effective tracking app on the market.

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