Write For Us Technology – Read And Follow Guidelines!

About General Information Write for Us Technology

This post on the Write for Us Technology will guide all the contributors on our procedure for sending the guest post. So, kindly read this post to know.

Are you interested in writing a guest post? You can share your thoughts on the technology by writing a guest post for the Hastebc site. The website is popular for providing different opportunities to contributors. You can write the Write for Us Technology post so that you illuminate others with your knowledge. But, you should go through the guidelines that our page follows. We are sharing the policies in this post. 

About Hastebc Website

Hastebc website provides details to the audience based on news, sports, technology, investment, science, wellness, lifestyle, beauty, and many other topics. We always provide authentic information after researching properly. The contributors can help the readers by showcasing their knowledge of Technology and other topics. Our page works on the specified set of rules. You should also follow those rules to be a part of our team. 

Guidelines To Write the Write for Us + Technology

We advise our contributors to focus on our guidelines so that they can write an article that qualifies our guidelines. If you are perplexed about the guidelines, kindly check them below. 

  • The contributors must attach a link (external link) after completing 70 to 80 percent of posts.
  • One should check the content twice and make sure that there is no grammatical error. Use any free tools to check grammar.
  • Check the plagiarism count before sending the guest post to our team. We do not tolerate any amount of plagiarism. 
  • You must write relevant and important facts in the guest post on Technology Write for Us.
  • The contributors should make an attractive title. It should be SEO-based.
  • The keywords must be highlighted properly. The primary or second keyword must be in blue. 
  • The external link should be in green. You should also bold it.
  • We can tolerate a spam count of 3 percent but not more than that.
  • Make sure that the readability count on the guest post should be 90 percent or more.
  • Never add any false language or offensive words to the content.
  • The word length should be 500 to 1000 words. It is better if you do not extend this limit.

Topics to be covered in  “Write for Us” + Technology

  • Importance of Technology 
  • What do you mean by Technology?
  • What has technology given to us?
  • Technology And Invention
  • Is There Any Benefit Of Using the Latest Technology?
  • How Is Technology Related To Science?
  • How has technology made our lives easy?

These suggested topics are trending and the readers want to know more about these topics. So, the readers usually visit those pages that provide more value to them. Your decision of choosing the topic will decide the views you will get. Further, read about the benefits of working with us.

Advantages of Working with Our Page 

The contributors who write a different guest posts including the Technology + “Write for Us” have various advantages. There is not a single benefit that the contributors get, but we offer various benefits.

  • Hastebc got a good ranking on SERP. 
  • We also provide good guidance to our readers. The contributors get new things to learn.
  • Our editors guide the contributors on SEO keywords and how to choose them. 
  • You get mass exposure and 1000-plus views. It will make your content noticeable.

Eligibility Factors For The Guest Post

Our policy describes some guidelines but we never put restrictions on anyone based on their career, profession, etc. Anyone can send a guest post on Technology “Write for Us” even if they are homemakers, students, teachers, jobseeker, etc. You need to be a great researcher to share information on guest posts.

Procedure to Share Guest Posts

You can send the guest post to our official [email protected]. We take at least 24 hours to reply to every contributor. They should not share the same article with any other publisher. Our team won’t accept duplicate posts. Kindly wait for our response and we will let you know if any errors need to be rectified.


Summing up this post on the Write for Us Technology, we hope that we have fulfilled the desires of every contributor. If you know about Technology, then you can share the guest post for Hastebc. So, start your research on Technology.

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