Write For Us + Mental Health – Explore Guidelines Here!

About General Information Write for Us + Mental Health

Contribute your expertise and knowledge related to mental well-being via a guest post on our platform related to Write for Us + Mental Health.

In today’s busy lifestyle, everyone must focus on better mental health. Various factors, such as stress and anxiety, are commonly found among people. A more complex pattern of mental illness is diagnosed among millions of people worldwide, which is more severe than stress and anxiety.

If you are a mental health professional looking to contribute your knowledge and expertise about mental well-being, read the below guidelines for our platform’s Write for Us + Mental Health guest post.

About Hastebc.org:

We provide factual information in articles posted on our website. We publish articles on several trending topics that interest our global readers by filtering misinformation and rumours.

Continuing our journey, we focus on providing a knowledge base for mental well-being. As a ray of hope, we aim to provide mental health articles giving knowledge about current resources for mental health support and successful stories of recovery. 

We have published thousands of articles on several topics on our website that is referred by thousands of global audience, and continue to publish Write For Us Mental Health in addition to the latest and trending news, website and product reviews, vehicles, technology, travel, real estate, money, news, Law or legal, industry, investment, health, finance, gaming tips, entrepreneur, currency exchange, education, Cbd, businesses, cryptocurrency, blockchain, bitcoin, Etc.

Skill sets of writer:

The topic of mental health is sensitive; we require mental health professionals to write posts considering all precautionary measures. The writer should hold qualifications or experience in the field of mental health, mental health therapies, rehabilitation, starting up mental health services, teaching meditation and relaxation techniques. 

The mental health posts writer should have excellent written communication skills, the ability to research, and an understanding of mental health topics.

Write For Us Mental Health Guest Post Guidelines:

  • The mental health post must entirely focus on topics related to mental health only,
  • The post must include an introduction and reliably safe conclusion,
  • Do not include any advertisement/promotional links in your article,
  • The write-up must achieve a word limit of 1,000 to 1,500 words,
  • Include two non-copyrighted pictures related to the topic of your article.

SEO Guidelines for writing mental health posts:

  • The write-up must include an engaging title, headings, subheads, and bullet points,
  • The article must be written in a friendly and passive tone, avoiding any offensive content or disrespectful words,
  • Accurate and factual information should be provided in Mental Health “Write For Us” from reliable and referable sources,
  • The target keywords should be placed consistently throughout the post,
  • The content must have a good reliability score,
  • The write-up must be free from redundancy and repetitive information,
  • The mental health article should not contain any grammatical errors,
  • The mental health guest post should be free from plagiarism,
  • Two do-followup links must be included in mental health blogs,
  • You must include one external link with a good trust ranking and low spam profile.

Topics related to mental health:

  • Facts, data, statistics related to mental illnesses,
  • Write For Us + “Mental Health” research-based/clinical studies and results of mental subjects,
  • Behavioural health,
  • Mental health pharmaceuticals and support,
  • Psychological trauma,
  • Different types of depression,
  • Enhances self-awareness about depression and anxiety,
  • Symptoms of mental health,
  • Stress management,
  • Substance abuse treatment,
  • Counselling and psychotherapy,
  • Betterment of relationships with mentally ill subjects
  • Cognitive behaviour,
  • Alternative therapies, 
  • Psychodynamic,
  • Psychiatrists, etc.


  • allintitle:mental health + guest post
  • allintitle:mental health + write for us
  • allintitle:mental health + submit blog post
  • mental health + inurl:contributors
  • mental health + inurl:category/guest
  • mental health + “contributor guidelines”
  • mental health + “become a contributor”
  • mental health + “guest blog”
  • mental health + “guest column”
  • mental health + “guest post opportunities”
  • mental health + “contributing writer”

Write for Us + Mental Health posts Submission:

You must email your write-ups to contact. [email protected] for direct publication or reviews from hastebc.org editorial team. Once your guest post is approved, our hastebc.org team will contact you before publishing. We reserve the right to modify or remove unwanted content from mental health guest posts.

Final thoughts:

You get the benefit of more views and a reachable global audience. Expand your network as an influencer and build long-lasting customer relationships with our global readers. The writer of the mental health post should have excellent communication skills, research and understanding education or experience related to mental health studies/field.

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