How a Police Report Can Help You Win a Car Accident Case

Complete Information About How a Police Report Can Help You Win a Car Accident Case

Car crashes are becoming very common due to a lack of driving knowledge and ignorance of traffic rules. According to Statista, in the United States, a total of 4.7 million cars were associated with minor and severe car accidents in 2020. In 2021, about 282 million vehicles were registered in the country, and there were only 228 million individuals with official driving licenses. 

In New York State, Albany has become one of the most dangerous cities with the most car accidents. In Albany, it is reported that 2.38 people in every 100,000 persons die due to drunk driving accidents. When involved in a car crash, it is better to hire the best Albany car accident lawyers who can help you file an accident report and acquire maximum compensation. 

6 Ways a Police Report Helps You Win a Car Accident Case 

Filing a police report after getting into a car accident is recommended, as it can help you win the lawsuit and get eligible compensation. Check out how filing a car accident police report is beneficial. 

  • Exact Details About the Accident  

In the police report, there will be exact mentions of the location, date, and time related to the car accident. So, your attorney can use the police report as evidence to prove your case when the person responsible for the crash denies the accident or opposes your claim. The police officer will record accurate details of the accident after listening to both parties, going to the crash site, and collecting the evidence. 

  • Record Official Statements 

In the police report, there will be official statements about the car accident from all the people involved in the accident. The officer will document the statements of you and the individual accountable for the car accident by asking logical questions about how the crash happened, who is at fault, and more. Likewise, police will record witness statements from the people who saw the accident live. 

  • Compile Physical Evidence of the Crash 

When you make a police report, the officers are likely to add a brief sketch of the crash site, the total impact, and the damages incurred because of the car accident. In addition to that, if the crash is fatal, they will also take photographs and videos of the crash’s location, damages, etc. 

  • Works as Evidence for Insurance Companies 

There are several car accident cases where insurance companies often try not to compensate the victims, so having a police report would be helpful. Your attorney can submit the police report as a part of the evidence to the insurance reviewers as it contains all the car accident details. As a result, you can receive as much compensation as possible. 

  • Obtain More Credible Evidence  

With the help of a police report and the investigations conducted by officers, your attorney can gather more evidence to strengthen your case. Your lawyer can collect the pictures, videos, and witness statements related to the car accident that will increase your winning chances. 

  • Police Testimony 

Though your attorney can not directly use the police report as sole evidence during the trial, the testimony of the police officers will help your case. As the police officers are fully aware of all the details related to the accident, their testimony can be valid evidence. 

Bottom Line 

Filing a police report following a car accident is relatively beneficial and comes in handy when you are filing a legal lawsuit against the one responsible for the accident. The police report includes thorough details of the accident, including the location, time, date, vehicle type, people involved, contact info, damages incurred, statements of the witnesses, and more. Your attorney will use all these details to help you win the car accident lawsuit and get qualified compensation. 

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