Can Wearing Grillz Cause Any Harm To The Mouth

Can Wearing Grillz Cause Any Harm To The Mouth

Wearing Grillz Cause Any Harm To The Mouth: As with other burners, Grillz has only recently become popular. Costing hundreds of dollars for gold and silver, and potentially millions for rarer materials, Grillz are rarely considered.

Can Wearing Grillz Cause Any Harm To The Mouth

According to the American Dental Association, no studies have shown that there are long-term dangers associated with wearing Grillz. Those who use them regularly, however, must be particularly careful about dental health. Here are some possible health problems that might cause using Grillz regularly. 

1. Dehydration

The American Dental Association says that wearing grillz in mouth can cause dehydration. This is because the heat from the grill causes sweat to form and evaporate, leading to a dry mouth.

Dry mouth can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. It can also cause other oral health problems such as cavities, sores, and bad breath.

2. Heat Damage

Wearing Grillz can also cause damage if they are too tight or too loose. Heat damage occurs when water evaporates from the skin, causing dryness, redness, or burning of the skin. This burns the skin and in some cases may even scar it permanently. 

The American Dental Association says that wearing Grillz that are too tight will not only cause damage but could potentially lead to infection of the tissue under the grill as well. The bacteria found in back molars can spread through this area if a grill is too tight or is causing pressure on the teeth where they meet your gums.

3. Wearing Grillz Too Long

Wearing Grillz for an extended period may be harmful to your oral health as well as your appearance. The American Dental Association states that wearing a grill for an extended period may lead to loss of bone density around one’s teeth and gums, which could eventually lead to tooth loss.

Also with prolonged wear, your teeth may become more sensitive as well as discolored due to oxidation from prolonged exposure to heat.

4. Abrasion 

The abrasive nature of the material could cause abrasions on the teeth, which would lead to tooth decay.

5. Ingrown Hairs

The metal on the grill can create ingrown hairs in the mouth. This is not a serious problem, but it can be uncomfortable.

6. Scarring

Scarring is not a likely result of wearing Grillz, but if it does occur, it could result in damage to the tongue or jaw bone.

7. Bacteria Infection 

A small number of bacteria on metal can cause infection if it comes into contact with mucous membranes in the mouth or tongue. Other health problems that might develop from this include cold sores and herpes simplex infections.

8. Damage to the gum tissues

The metal in the grill can cause damage to the gum tissues, which can lead to bleeding and cavities.

9. Perforation of the tooth 

Metal on the teeth can perforate a tooth, causing pain and swelling. This occurs when there is a small crack in the tooth, which is often caused by wearing it daily.

When teeth are exposed to metal, they are more likely to develop cavities because of damage done by friction. This is especially true for those who wear their Grillz regularly.

10. Teeth discoloration 

The metal that makes up most Grillz has no coloring or pigmentation, so when it touches your teeth it leaves behind stains that could discolor them over time.

11. Tooth sensitivity

Metal that comes in contact with teeth can cause tooth sensitivity. This is often the result of wearing the grill for long periods.

12. Damage to gum tissues when eating 

When you bite into something, the metal on your Grillz can cause damage to the tissues in your mouth. This can lead to sores and bleeding if it occurs regularly.

13. Scars formed by the metal 

The most common form of scarring is the formation of a skin tag, which develops on the gum tissue where your grill is. Other scars that can form include broken capillaries and skin discoloration.

14. Problems with dentures caused by metal 

Metal on your dentures can cause damage to them over time. This causes discomfort, infections, and sores to develop. It also interferes with wearing them and prevents them from fitting properly.

15. Damage to teeth after wearing 

When you wear your grill for an extended period, the metal can cause damage to your teeth. This is often referred to as “grill tooth” or “grill jaw” and can lead to problems with chewing and eating.

16. Problems with implants 

The metals in Grillz can cause damage to the titanium implant that is placed inside your body. This causes inflammation and pain in the area where the implant is placed. The implant may also become less durable over time and need to be replaced sooner than expected.

17. Hearing loss after wearing 

When you wear your grill for an extended period, the metal can cause damage to the bones in your ear. This is often referred to as “grill ear” and can lead to hearing loss.

18. Permanent facial scarring 

The metal in Grillz can cause permanent facial scarring. This happens when the metal is left inside of the body over a long period. The scars are often dark and raised on the skin, which makes them hard to hide.

19. Damage to nose cartilage 

The metals in Grillz can cause damage to the cartilage inside of your nose. This causes irritation and pain when you breathe through your nose, which causes it to close up. Eventually, this will lead to a deviated septum and other breathing problems that may require surgery or treatment with medications if they become severe enough.

20. Infection and inflammation 

The metals in Grillz can cause infection and inflammation in the area where the implant is placed. This can be a serious problem if it occurs on a spot that is close to the eardrum or ear canal.

21. Abnormal bone growth 

The metals in Grillz can cause abnormal bone growth in your ear or other areas of your body. This happens when the metal is left inside of your body over a long period. The bones may become misshapen and need to be surgically removed.


Using metal in your implants can cause serious health problems. This is especially true when the metal is left in your body over a long period. You may experience a variety of different symptoms, including damage to the cartilage inside of your nose, irritation and inflammation, and abnormal bone growth.

It is important to consult with an experienced surgeon who has performed hundreds of metal implant surgeries before choosing one for yourself or a loved one. The surgeon that you choose should be able to answer all of your questions about metal implants and provide you with realistic expectations about the risks involved.

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