‘very demure, very mindful,- New Trend In TikTok by Influencer Jools Lebron

Complete Information ‘very demure, very mindful,

The younger generation never stops trying new things, and without warning, the phrase “very demure, very mindful” has become popular on TikTok.

When TikTok influencer Jools Lebron initially uploaded the video in August 2024, it became a trend.
She emphasised her modest attire and cosmetics, saying she doesn’t wear much makeup and is extremely conscious of her surroundings when working.

Satirefully, she admonished her followers to appreciate their bosses and remember why they were employed. On TikTok, the video has already received 143.6K shares, 5K comments, and 1.1 million likes.

TikTok New Trend Spread Huge and also attracted the RuPaul Drag Race winner!

TikTok New Trend Spread Huge

The extremely subdued, extremely thoughtful TikTok movement has evolved into a humorous method of teaching people how to behave humbly in day-to-day situations.

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After the release of the initial video, Lebron and other artists began utilising the phrase in a variety of settings, incorporating deeper levels of humour.
She has advised individuals to behave in a “demure” manner in sporadic circumstances such as boarding an aircraft or taking antidepressants, stating that she was aware of the circumstances surrounding her prescription and others.

Similarly, another user shared a video of a neatly piled, half-eaten Chipotle. She told her to eat her bowl gently so that it would keep its poise and organisation. She even included a caption, writing, “Be mindful, be demure.”

A user mentions that she coined the word modestly 

Soon after the phrase “very demure, very mindful” gained traction, “demuremaxxing” also became popular on social media.

Moreover, the term “maxxing” is used by TikTokers and other meme enthusiasts to characterise actions that go beyond the limits of a trend. Not only that, but Lebron also created another video with 1.8 million views in which she demonstrated how to be “demuretsey.” It blends the terms “cutesy” and “demure.” 

More Information

  • “Demure” refers to something that is reserved, sombre, or affectively modest. People calling each other “cutesy,” “mindful,” and “demure” can be seen in several videos on social media.
  • Within a week after its initial post, the hashtag #demure experienced a surge in views, as per TikTok data. In its first week, thousands of videos were posted.

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