Spouse Killed in a Semi-truck Accident – Can You File Wrongful Death?

Complete Information About Spouse Killed in a Semi-truck Accident - Can You File Wrongful Death

If you have lost a loved one in a semi-truck accident, you must be devastated. The feeling is even worse when you realize that the accident could have been avoided if the driver had been more responsible. No amount of money can bring a person back to life, but your loved one should get the justice they deserve. Talk to a Huntington Beach wrongful death attorney today. 

Wrongful death claims can be complex. Losing your loved one in an accident can be difficult, but that alone does not guarantee whether you have a claim. An attorney can review your situation and tell you about your rights. It can also protect you from taking a wrong step that might reduce your chances of winning. 

What are the potentially liable parties in a wrongful death claim?

If your spouse was killed in an accident caused due to the negligence of another party, there may be one or several parties at fault. Usually, people are quick to blame the other driver, but there are other parties that might share the fault. An attorney can conduct their own investigation and determine the liable parties. 

The following parties may be potentially liable: 

1. The company to which the truck belonged. 

The trucking industry is not an easy place to work at. Drivers need to travel for hours with little sleep and rest. That is why companies must train their drivers adequately and provide them with enough breaks to be well-rested for their job. Fatigue can lead to accidents. 

Companies are required to conduct background checks to determine whether a driver is capable of the job. When the company fails to take these steps, there is a chance that it will hire an unskilled person for the job, increasing the risk of an accident. 

2. Other drivers were involved in the accident. 

When an accident happens, people are quick to judge who is at fault. However, many times, it is not what it looks like. Hire an attorney and have them investigate the case to understand which driver may have been negligent in their actions. 

3. Truck manufacturers. 

One more potentially liable party would be the truck manufacturer, but only if you can show that the accident happened due to the malfunctioning of the truck. 

Compensation available for a successful case 

Various types of compensation may be available depending on your case’s circumstances. The common ones include medical expenses incurred until their death, funeral or burial expenses, lost wages, lost future earnings, emotional distress, other intangible damages, etc. 

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