Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2 (March 2022) Details!

Latest News Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2

In this post, we discuss the Risk of Rain 2 game in brief and know about Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2.

Are you a fan of the Risk of Rain 2 game and wondering what Railgunner is in the game? Then this post is for you. Gamers enjoy the adventurous and action games the most, and Risk of Rain 2 is one of the most famous games in this genre.

The graphics, gameplay, and storyline are very exciting; it is getting popular along with gamers Worldwide.

Let’s further discuss Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2 in this post.

About Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2 is a third-person roguelike shooter game published by Gearbox Publishing. In the game, players fight for survivors on the alien planet; we need to navigate through different environments, loot chests, collect items, and kill monsters.

The game is an online multiplayer game that and as you progress through the game, it will get more and more exciting as you encounter dangerous and powerful creatures. Risk of Rain 2 is available on different platforms, including Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

What is Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2? 

Railgunner is a new snipper in the game, and it is released just recently on 1st March with the launch of DLC. The Railgunner wields the M99 Sniper rifle, a unique piece of equipment in Risk of Rain 2 that allows you to aim under its high-powered scope from a first-person perspective.

You can utilise the scope to target weak enemies and deal 1,000 per cent damage with a confirmed critical strike. The M99 gun has an active reload bar similar to the one also introduced in Gears of Wars.

Skillset of Railgunner in Risk of Rain 2 Game

The Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2 is equipped with XQR Smart Round System that can deal with foes who get too near while you’re shooting. She can deploy Concussion Devices, which generate a gravity blast that hurls foes away but may also be used by the Railgunner as a trampoline.

Finally, her special ability, Supercharge, boosts the railgun’s base damage by 4,000 per cent and weakens it by 150 per cent. The disadvantage is that her weapons require five seconds to recharge once she uses the ability, so it’s a good idea to get some Concussion

Devices on hand to make a quick getaway once you’ve used it. Overall, Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2 makes one of the best sniper survivors in the game.


The Risk of Rain 2 game is known for its new updates and abilities of its survivor. You should also check out the Railgunner survivor if you enjoy this game. If you want to know more about the Risk of Rain 2, check out here.

Have you experienced the new Railgunner survivor? What are your views on it? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, share this Railgunner Annihilator Risk Of Rain 2 post to inform others.

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