Mobile HMI – The Future of Industrial Communication

Mobile HMI - The Future of Industrial Communication

Over the years, the way people communicate with computers and systems has constantly changed. With the advent of mobile technology, the way we manage and access data from systems and processes used in industry has changed significantly. With a mobile smartphone and a mobile human-machine interface (HMI), operators can access control systems anytime, anywhere. We will discuss the idea of mobile HMI, its features and benefits in this article.

What is mobile HMI?

A mobile end device such as a smartphone or tablet serves as a mobile HMI (Human Machine Interface) to enable access to control systems. This enables operators to monitor, manage and control industrial plants and processes remotely. Due to the user-friendly design of the user interface, operators can easily and quickly retrieve important information.

What are some of its features?

  • Mobility

The mobility of Mobile HMI is one of its important characteristics. With a mobile device, operators can access control systems anytime, anywhere. This allows greater flexibility and increased effectiveness.

  • Simple Interface Design

The user interface is designed to be user-friendly, with simple controls and intuitive navigation. As a result, operators can now obtain important information quickly and easily.

  • Real-time monitoring

Mobile HMI enables real-time monitoring of industrial systems and processes, giving operators quick access to important information. Also the combination of Mobile HMI and PRTG OPC UA server technology revolutionizes how industrial systems are managed, providing seamless access to critical data for informed decision-making.

  • Data collection and management

Mobile HMI also enables data collection and management, giving operators a comprehensive understanding of industrial systems and processes.

  • Increased safety

Mobile HMI can increase security in control systems by allowing operators to access them from remote locations.

What are some of the benefits of Mobile HMI?

  • Increased Productivity

 By accessing control systems from anywhere, anytime, operators are better able to quickly adapt to changes in industrial systems and processes.

  • Increased Flexibility

Mobile HMI allows operators to work from remote locations, improving flexibility and work-life balance.

  • Real-time Monitoring

Mobile HMI can help identify problems early, minimize downtime and increase productivity by providing real-time monitoring of industrial systems and processes.

  • Improved Security

Mobile HMI can improve security in potentially hazardous areas by allowing operators to access control systems from remote locations.

  • Data collection and management:

Mobile HMI also enables data collection and management, giving operators a comprehensive understanding of industrial systems and processes.

  • Industrial Applications for Mobile HMI

 Manufacturing, oil and gas, and process control are just a few of the industries that are increasingly adopting mobile HMI. Mobile HMI is fast becoming an essential part of modern industrial control systems due to its ability to increase efficiency, increase security and enable real-time monitoring.

The applications of mobile HMI in industrial setting

Remote Monitoring: 

Operators using mobile HMI can keep an eye on industrial systems and processes remotely, reducing the need for on-site monitoring and increasing productivity.

Improved Accessibility:

 Mobile HMI improves accessibility and reduces downtime by allowing operators to access control systems anytime, anywhere.

Decision Making:

 Mobile HMI can provide operators with the data they need to make informed decisions about industrial processes and systems by providing real-time monitoring, data collection and management capabilities.


Mobile HMI can also improve communication and decision making between team members.

Productivity Gains: 

Mobile HMI can contribute to higher performance and less downtime in industrial applications by improving efficiency, accessibility and decision making.

The role of mobile HMI in industrial control systems of the future:

In the coming years, the usage of Mobile HMI is expected to increase due to the increasing popularity of mobile technology. Real-time, easy-to-use monitoring and control solutions are needed more and more as industrial processes and systems become more sophisticated. To meet these needs, mobile HMI offers enhanced productivity, increased security, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

What are some of the challenges of mobile HMI?

The implementation of Mobile HMI presents a number of difficulties that must be overcome, although this technology offers many advantages for industrial applications. Difficulties include:

Adaptation to current systems:

It can be difficult and time consuming to integrate Mobile HMI into current industrial control systems. This is because Mobile HMI software must be able to interface with current control systems and work with any existing hardware and software. This requires both a thorough understanding of the mobile HMI software and a deep understanding of the current systems.

Working with a reputable vendor who has experience integrating Mobile HMI into industrial control systems is critical to a successful integration process. The vendor should be able to assess your current systems and offer a customized solution that meets your needs. To ensure that the Mobile HMI software continues to function properly, the vendor should also be able to offer ongoing support and maintenance.

Security Issues: 

Because access to mobile HMI control systems requires mobile devices, security issues may arise. This is because mobile devices are vulnerable to viruses and other types of cyber-attacks. In addition, the transmission of sensitive data via the mobile device, such as process data, raises security issues.

Adequate security mechanisms such as encryption and secure authentication must be set up to ensure the protection of sensitive data. Secure authentication and encryption work together to protect critical data sent via mobile devices while only authorized individuals can access control systems. In addition, it is important to ensure that Mobile HMI software is constantly updated to address security vulnerabilities.

User Acceptance:

Getting users to use Mobile HMI can be difficult, especially for operators who are used to using traditional HMI systems. This is because Mobile HMI often requires its own method of use and communication with control systems.

Successful implementation of Mobile HMI depends on users receiving the training and support they need. This may include in-person tuition, online tuition, and ongoing assistance from qualified support personnel. In order for users to understand how to use Mobile HMI software efficiently, it is also crucial that it is user-friendly and intuitive.


In summary, Mobile HMI is a technology that allows users to access control systems through a mobile device when they are in a remote location. Mobile HMI is gaining popularity as a solution for industrial control systems due to its user-friendly interface, real-time monitoring, and data collection and management capabilities. Check out the Blue Line product range if you are looking for a mobile HMI solution for your industrial application.

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