Is Marluxa Legit {April} Read Entire Website Review Now!

Marluxa Online Website Reviews

Scroll down the below article to read the customer reviews for Marluxa site to know Is Marluxa Legit or not.

Are you crazy about accessories like jewellery and watches? Are you among those who always love to wear jewellery and watch according to your outfits? If so, this article is for you. People of the United States are very particular about style. They love to wear fashionable clothes with matching accessories to look stylish. is one of those sites which deal with several fashionable items to give a charm to the style quotient of the people. But, before ordering something from that portal, we have to be sure about Is Marluxa Legit?

Is this site legit Or Not?

  • Website Creation Date: The domain’s creation date is 24th July 2021, which means this domain is almost the ninth month aged.
  • Website Expiry Date: The domain’s Expiry date is 24th July 2022, which means the span of this domain is one year.
  • Website’s Trust Score: Trust score of this site is 5%.
  • Alexa Ranking: The ranking in Alexa is very high. It is almost nine lacs.
  • Owner Identity: Owner identity is unavailable on the site.
  • Owner Details: Owner details of this domain are unrevealed in the WHOIS.
  • Marluxa Reviews: Positive reviews are present on the official site. No reviews can be fetched from other reviewing portals. 
  • Contact Address Legitimacy: No contact detail is present on the site except its Email address.
  • Social Media Links: Present only on FaceBook.
  • Refund Policy: Yes, available. But only for the items that come under the returnable policy.
  • Security: HTTP protocol is found. But only HTTPS cannot be considered 100% secure to protect customer’s data.

The above details and scores do not favour this online portal’s legitimacy. Hence we need to check the other details and reviews before concluding: Is Marluxa Legit or not!

About the site, Marluxa.Com is an online site which offers

  • Jewellery
  • Watches
  • Necklace
  • Monograms
  • Wood ornament

This site categorizes gifts from a different person in your life. It is divided mainly into two parts

  • Gift For Him
  • Gift For Her

‘Gift of Her’ includes

  • Mom
  • Future Wife
  • Girlfriend
  • Soulmate
  • Wife
  • Sister 

So, we have seen the kind of product deals with. This site has also offered a good amount of discounts, and thus you can get your desired item at very reasonable amounts. But before purchasing anything from this site, we need to check the specific details and reviews. 

Specifications to know Is Marluxa Legit

  • Website address:
  • Email: [email protected].
  • Contact Details: Unavailable.
  • Shipping & Delivery Details: Shipping will be done for all orders within2-5 days. For delivery, it varies from country to country.
  • Canada- 4-10 business days.
  • USA- 5-10 business days.
  • Aus/NZ- 5-15 business days.
  • For the rest of the Countries- 5-20 business days.
  • Non-Returnable Product Details: Apparel items are not for size exchanges or return.
  • Shipping Cost for returning product: Shipping costs may be need on returning the product. There is no clear information about it. 
  • Delivery shipping cost – free shipping on all orders.
  • Return Policy:  Return policy can be applied other than apparel but fulfilling certain conditions. 

Before presenting Marluxa Reviews, let us check some positive and negative aspects about it.


  • The HTTP protocol is present here.
  • This site has SSL validation
  • It has WOT trustworthiness
  • This site has the valid IP address
  • Sort and filter options are given
  • For customer support, an Email Id is provided
  • This site has its linkage with Social networking sites like FaceBook.


  • The Trust Score is 5%
  • No Contact detail other than Email Id is present on this site.
  • No flexible return or refund policy. Apparel items are not refundable. So, if the purchased items are not fitted or upto the quality, you have nothing to do.

Let us Check Marluxa Reviews

We have found many reviews by the customers on the official site. Customers are indeed pleased to buy products from this site. They praised this site highly and gave it a high rating. But unfortunately, no reviews can be fetched from other website reviewing portals.  

Hence, this cannot say whether the present reviews are from customers or a part of the internal reviewing system. Moreover, check here to Get Your Money Back From PayPal if you were Scammed.

The Last Words

Many essential details are missing from the website. And a high percentage of customer reviews are present on the official website. But, the lack of reviews from the reviewing portal raises a doubt: Is Marluxa Legit! Hence, we suggest our readers wait for some time till other trusted portals review this platform.

Do you find this article informative? Please comment for any doubt or suggestions. For more about gifting items check here. Also, refer to Everything you should know about credit card scams 

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