Is Extrasav Legit {July 2022} Read Entire Review Now!

Extrasav Online Website Reviews

Please scroll down to the below article to get the well-informed and well- investigated facts on Is Extrasav Legit.  

Are you searching for a website that sells custom products for multiple fields? Are you interested to learn about one of these kinds of sites? If so, please read the whole article to get the detailed facts on one such online platform.

An online platform that sells custom products is very popular in countries like the United States. Extrasav is one such website. In this article, we will verify the portal with different validating tools to make us realize Is Extrasav Legit or not.

Is Extrasav A Legitimate Portal?

  • Date When Extrasav Comes First As A Portal: Extrasav comes into the market on 30th June 2022. From the publication date, if we calculate Extrasav duration of functioning as a portal, we notice that Extrasav has not completed its one-month age.
  • Date When Extrasav Will Stop Functioning As A Portal: Extrasav stops functioning as an online platform on 30th June 2023. So, there is only one year of life span for Extrasav.
  • Trust Index: Extrasav has obtained a 38.9 score out of 100.
  • Extrasav ReviewsNo reviews found
  • Trust Score: Extrasav has earned a 2% trust score.
  • Malware Score: Extrasav has got 48 out of 100.
  • Threat Score: Extrasav has scored 51 out of 100 in this field.
  • Phishing Score: Extrasav has marked 51 out of 100 in this area.
  • Spam Score: Extrasav has scored 25 out of 100 in this section.
  • Alexa Ranking: Extrasav has not secured any place in the ranking of Alexa.

From the above data, we get to understand that there is no such positive data that supports the legitimacy of Extrasav. Let us know more about the portal to decide Is Extrasav Legit


In Extrasav. Com, we get custom products from different fields. This portal claims to offer uniqueness in its products. 

  • Spray for removing the scratch from scars.
  • Polishing paste for metal
  • Gel to repair advanced leather
  • Phone stand in the car
  • Painting pen
  • Cleaner 
  • Cyber glasses
  • Sensor lights
  • Holder of rearview mirror
  • Jiki fuji pen
  • Flower necklace
  • Moon lamp 3D painting, etc.
  • Cleaner by roller ball

These are the products we get from We have to check some specific details about Extrasav now to understand Is Extrasav Legit or not.


  • Portal Type: Extrasav is an online platform that deals with custom products.
  • Portal Address:  
  • Email Id: For making a complaint [email protected]. But this email id is not valid for returning the item.
  • Contact Address: Not present
  • Contact No: Not available
  • Owner Identity: In WHOIS, detailed data about Extrasav’s owner has been identified.
  • Shipping: In Extrasav, free shipping is available above 50USD; the standard delivery time is 15-30 working days.
  • Returning: In Extrasav, returning is available within 14 days
  • Payment Policy: Paypal, credit card, debit card, bank transfer

Positive Aspects To Find Out Is Extrasav Legit

  • Extrasav has an authentic, valid HTTP protocol that signifies the security of customers’ data.
  • A genuine IP address is also there in Extrasav
  • Extrasav has got certification from SSL
  • Extrasav has got validation from WOT
  • Extrasav has been generated through advanced technology

Negative Aspects

  • Extrasav has received a 2% trust score, a terrible trust score for any website.
  • Extrasav has not made any position on the Alexa list
  • Reviews are absent in Extrasav, a major issue on any portal’s authenticity.
  • Trust index calculated by the scam validator is also not great.

Extrasav Reviews

We have not gotten to see any reviews for Extrasav. As it is a portal that has not been completed, one month of age can be the one reason for the lacking interview, not only on the official site of Extrasav but other portals that deal with the reviews of another platform unable to show any review.

Reviews offered insight about the quality or the other important facts related to the product. This opportunity will not be provided on Extrasav. So customers will not get the facility of reading the reviews before buying any products from Extrasav. Refer to this to get your money back from PayPal Scams.


From the above discussion on Is Extrasav Legitwe understand from the available facts that this is not the right time to invest in this portal. We suggest our readers wait for some time if any reviews of Extrasav will come to the market.

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