Is Bringend Legit {Sep 2022} Check Honest Reviews Here!

Bringend Online website Reviews

The below post help you know about the online shopping portal bringend. The details relating to it will help you check whether Is Bringend Legit or not.

Are you aware of any platform where you can get diamond necklaces? Bringend has claimed that they have the best quality diamond necklace. The growing trend of online shopping also has a lot of risks to it. People can never be too careful when it comes to online shopping. People blindly go shopping without checking any details and reviews, which is not good. 

The shop is famous around the United States. Let us look through further details about bringend and decide whether it Is Bringend Legit or not. Follow the blog for further guidance. 

Is bringend a legit website?

The below-given details will help in determining the trustworthiness of the portal and determine whether the website is fake or real by discussing several other details:

  • Domain Registration date – It was registered very recently on 24th August 2022.
  • Website expiry date – The portal will expire on 24th August 2023.
  • Trust score –  The trust score of 1% indicates that the site cannot be trusted. 
  • Data security – HTTP protocol is detected, but it doesn’t always mean that the data is secured. 
  • Bringend Reviews– There are no reviews available on the site. 
  • Trust index – The trust index of bringend is even worse at 0%.
  • A domain blocked status – Not detected by any search engine as a blocked website.
  • Proximity to suspicious websites score – 23/100 is the points for proximity to suspicious websites score. 
  • Threat & Phishing Score – The threat points are 95/100, and phishing is 57/100.
  • Spam and Malware Score- The spam Score is 95/100, and the Malware score is 27/100.
  • Social media handles – There are no social media pages of bringend on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, or elsewhere to check whether it Is Bringend Legit or not. 
  • Alexa Ranking – The Alexa Ranking is zero, as per the information. 

All details about the website:

Bringend is registered under a busy niche of a prevalent industry. But the online store has very little to offer; only one product is the necklace. Despite having various sections on the official page, they are all blanks or only lead to one page.

Specific information about the online store 

  • Registration name –
  • Registered URL –
  • Address – GA 30011, 124 Williams RdAuburn, United States; the availability of the address can be good for determining whether it Is Bringend Legit or not. 
  • Email ID – info@[email protected]
  • Phone number – +19093717132
  • Free shipping – Shipping on all orders is free. 
  • Shipping and delivery policies – 4 to 7 business days are required for shipping goods. 
  • Refund & Return Policy – The goods are eligible for return for up to 30 business days. 
  • Payment modes – Payments through PayPal and other major debit and credit cards are accepted. 
  • Operating Hours – The shop is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST.
  • Exchange Policy – The option to exchange the products is available. 

Pros of the website to determine whether it Is Bringend Legit or not! 

Several pros and cons are discussed below to solve the query of the buyers about the legitimacy, and reviews are also checked further for more surety-

  • The HTTP-connected protocol of the website is valid. 
  • The website is not a blocklisting portal as per the detection of the blocklisting search engines. 
  • All policy-related details and other details like address and contact are found. 

Cons of the website 

  • The information regarding the owner is not made public. 
  • The portal offers only one product. 
  • Lack of reviews or no reviews. 

What are Bringend Reviews?

As a result of our thorough research, the results seem to be nil. There are no reviews available on the portal, given that the domain was created too long ago and is very new to the market. Still, there are no customer reviews on the single product offered by the website. 

The lack of customer’s feedback clearly indicates customers’ disinterest in the portal. Bringend has zero reviews and zeroes ratings. Moreover, keep yourself protected from Credit card scams


After analyzing the factors in detail, the answer to the question, Is Bringend Legitcame out as no. There are no reliable factors present on the website. The website is suspicious, unsafe and doubtful based on reviews, various scores, trust scores, indexes, etc. 

You can take reference of some legit websites from the link given here. Have you heard of this platform? Tell us in the comments below, and protect yourself against PayPal scamming


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