EditPad Review 2023 – Is It Useful For Writers?

EditPad Online Review

Using tools is compulsory for every freelance writer to make their work efficient and reliable. One of the best choices to pick in this regard is EditPad. This platform has been designed for helping writers in dealing different tasks from their daily routine. 

Do you want to explore what this tool can do for you? If yes, this blog will help you because we are going to discuss it comprehensively. We will show you some of the best tools for writers available on this platform. Let’s have a look at the following guide. 

What is EditPad?

Editpad is a tool based website that offers more than 30 tools to perform different tasks in the online field. The main tool on this website is its online notepad based on which the name of the site is EditPad

With the help of its online editor, you can write text for any purpose. This online tool enables you to save your notes online and keep collecting data without browsing any offline program. 

 To help writers in their writing process, the designers have developed it with multiple features. From downloading notes to uploading files, you can perform all tasks related to the writing process. 

Features of EditPad 

  • You can download your notes with a single click. 
  • It allows you to upload a file from your device quickly. 
  • It has multiple tools including a word counter, character counter, and others. 
  • A writer doesn’t need to log in or register his account to use this online editor. 
  • You can access your “Saved Notes” by clicking on the given button.

Useful Tools for Writers on EditPad

As mentioned above, this website offers more than 30 tools. Some of those tools are considered to be the best for writers because of their significance in this field. In this section, we are going to discuss some of the most beneficial tools for writers offered by EditPad

Plagiarism Checker 

Being a writer, you know the importance of unique work. This plagiarism checker enables you to check whether your work is unique or not. It has an extensive database with which the tool will compare your text to check for plagiarism. 

This tool also allows the writers to check for plagiarism in text written in other languages. It supports more than 7 languages which makes it a reliable tool for everyone. Here are the steps that you have to use this tool.  

How to Use This Plagiarism Checker?

  • Choose your desired language by clicking on the given box 
  • Insert the text by uploading a file or pasting it directly
  • Click on the “Check Plagiarism” button 
  • The tool will compare your text and show you the results in the bottom of the page
  • You can find plagiarized lines easily as it displays line-by-line results. 

By following the above steps, you can check whether your text is unique or not with the help of this tool. It will not take more than a few seconds to perform this task because of the fast processing of this tool. 

Paraphrasing Tool 

Another useful tool for writers on this website is its paraphrasing tool. Being a writer, it is difficult to be creative all the time. This tool allows you to tackle all such conditions with its AI-based algorithm. 

With the help of this tool, you can change the original words of your text with their synonyms or related phrases. In simple words, it allows you to avoid plagiarism or remove plagiarism from your text. 

Its AI-based algorithm enables you to get a human-friendly text at the end of rewriting. To get your text rewritten to make it unique, you should read and follow the upcoming steps. 

How to Use This Paraphrasing Tool?

  • Upload the file or paste the lines you want to rewrite in the given box 
  • Click on the “Paraphrase it” button 
  • The tool will take a few seconds to understand your text and reword it 
  • It will choose the best-fit words from its databases after understanding the text properly
  • You will get a preview of the text just beside the text insertion box 

The tool will show you all replaced words in bold format. You will get a side-by-side preview of the original and rewritten text. So, you can easily compare them to make sure that the tool has replaced the best words. 

Grammar Checker 

To make sure that your text is grammatically correct, you can use this tool offered by EditPad. This grammar checker has been designed carefully to help you in finding grammar errors. 

You can easily check if your text has any grammar issues from the basic to the advanced level. It will be pretty simple to do so because of this tool’s simple interface. By using this tool, you can find mistakes and get them resolved with a single click. 

How to Use This Grammar Checker?

  • Paste the text in the given box 
  • Click on the “Check Grammar”
  • The tool will show all the mistakes in different colors within a few seconds 
  • By clicking on any of those words, you can check suggestions to clear the mistakes

This tool enables you to submit your work without any grammar errors. As a result, you can get confidence in your work and keep working in your career confidently. 

Readability Checker 

Writing readable content makes your writing worthy to read by most readers. It is not possible to make sure that your work is readable without using this readability checker. This tool has been designed with an advanced algorithm to analyze your text. 

It analyzes your text and shows complete statistics related to your text. You will be able to know the overall readability score and other content statistics. In this way, you can get an idea of whether your text will be easy to read or not. 

How to Use This Readability Checker?

  • Insert your text in the given box 
  • Click on the “Check Readability”
  • You will get results regarding readability on the same screen on your device

By checking the statistics shown on the page, you can get an idea about the readability of the text. It will be pretty simple to make your text readable by understanding the results and implementing tips to resolve the problems. 

Text Summarizer 

Another beneficial tool on this platform for writers is its text summarizer. This tool has an AI-based algorithm that enables you to summarize your long-form text for quick understanding. 

In simple words, this tool understands your given text and writes a summary of the text. As a result, your text of hundreds of words will be converted into a few lines. You can easily read those lines and understand the main idea of the complete text. 

How to Use This Text Summarizer?

  • To summarize the text, insert it in the given box 
  • Click on the “Summarize” button 
  • The tool will summarize your text and show it in the box given just beside the text insertion box

In this way, you can summarize multiple pages to understand their main concept within a few seconds. It will not take much time to do so and understand what the author wants to say. 

Some Additional Tools for Writers 

  • Article Rewriter 
  • Text Similarity Checker 
  • Abstract Generator 
  • Conclusion Generator 

Final Words 

In the above sections, we have discussed EditPad and its useful tools for writers. Being a writer, you should use different tools to make your work credible. Its tools have been designed for making your writing career full of success. 

You can easily tackle different problems like plagiarism detection, grammar errors, and others by using its different tools. We recommend you use its tools whenever you need them because of their efficiency. 

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