New Rule In Japan Makes It Easier for Crypto Investors to Buy Altcoins

Easier for Crypto Investors to Buy Altcoins

In this article, we will look at how the new Japanese regulation makes it easier for crypto investors to buy altcoins. These regulations include a few critical points for investors to consider before making any investment decisions. For example, on the Bitcoin Era Official trading site there is a new rule that states that cryptocurrency exchanges must provide the following information to the Japanese government. 

The new rule states that cryptocurrency exchanges must disclose the amount of capital held by the company. In Japan, this amount is at least 10 million yen. Finally, the new regulations also require exchanges to provide details on their business model. 

According to the JCVEA, the association representing 31 companies in the digital asset industry, the rule will focus on newer cryptocurrencies, initial coin offerings, and initial exchange offerings.

Initially, cryptocurrencies would only be eligible for the green list if they have been around for at least six months and come on the list of three trading platforms in the country. However, the new rule will still be a necessary step in removing red tape that has kept Japan behind in the digital asset industry.

New rule in japan 

Specifically, the new rule requires cryptocurrency exchanges to provide the following information to the Japanese government:

  • The company name.
  • Headquarters address.
  • Term of the office that handles cryptocurrency business operations.
  • Names of all board members.
  • Supported cryptocurrencies.

It also requires information about how much capital the company holds to be licensed. The Japanese government proclaimed that gains from cryptocurrency assets would be taxed as miscellaneous income, similar to capital gain taxes in other jurisdictions. As a result, cryptocurrency activities are subject to a progressive tax rate of up to 55%.

However, the tax rate will depend on the individual’s income in the previous year. Those who earn less than 1.95 million yen per year will pay 5% of their profits. Meanwhile, individuals who make more than 40 million yen will pay up to 45% of their earnings.

The new rule in Japan will require business operators engaging in crypto transactions to register as FIBOs, or Financial Industry Business Operators. The FSA will separately prepare a progress chart to confirm its checking process. In contrast, the new rule may make it easier for crypto investors to buy altcoins. It will still be necessary to check the credentials of the trading platform you intend to use.


The introduction of the SOR in Japan makes it easier for crypto-asset exchanges to list more altcoins. The country’s Securities and Exchange Act regulates the activities of banks and financial institutions. However, most crypto assets are not securities. It is regulated under the Payment Services Act. However, this does not apply to all crypto-asset exchanges in Japan.

To purchase altcoins from the Japanese exchange, you must be a Japanese national. As a result, you must be a tax-exempt citizen. Suppose you do not fall into either of these categories. In that case, you should be able to purchase and sell your altcoins without any problems.


While cryptocurrency trading remains illegal in Japan, new regulations make it easier for Japanese crypto investors to purchase altcoins. The Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) has prioritized regulating crypto. 

The regulations require exchanges to register with the FSA, which can take six months. New rules also impose stricter AML, CFT, and cybersecurity requirements. Exchanges must also adhere to record-keeping requirements and submit an annual report to the FSA.

The new regulations include amendments to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (FIEA), which went into effect in May 2020. They have used the term “crypto-asset” instead of “virtual currency” and placed more significant restrictions on how users manage their virtual money. The regulations also more strictly regulate crypto derivatives trading. These changes apply to cryptocurrency custody service providers and businesses operating in Japan.

Final Words

This post has provided you with a guide on new crypto rules in japan. Several recent developments have made it easier for Japanese crypto investors to buy altcoins. Tax varies based on the amount of income derived in the previous year.

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