Composite Veneers vs Porcelain Veneers

Complete Guide to Composite Veneers vs Porcelain Veneers

What is a Veneer? This is a thin shell placed and glued over your teeth to fix or mask common dental flaws like chips, discolouration, misalignment or damaged teeth. Unlike crowns, which can fix more severe dental problems such damage to the tooth structure. Veneers are a strictly cosmetic treatment option.

Composite veneers and porcelain veneers are the two leading types of dental veneers, and many are divided on which to go for when deciding on applying veneers. Porcelain veneers or composite veneers, which is better? Both veneers serve the same primary purpose: to cover a tooth or smile’s flaws and grant you the lovely smile you’ve been dreaming of.

The primary distinction between composite veneers and porcelain veneers is that porcelain veneers look more natural and durable. And the other huge difference is the cost of the two, with porcelain veneers a lot more expensive than composite veneers. It has become accepted that composite veneers are the budget option while porcelain is the premium standard. That’s just the gist of it. Keep reading for a breakdown of the two types of veneers to make your choice when picking a veneer for your teeth.

Composite Veneers: What Are They?

These are thin resin caps/shells made from resin, fillers, and a coupling agent, which are all organic or inorganic. The dental fillings are the same as the bonding material. Composite veneers are a permanent procedure like its alternative, porcelain veneers. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of using Composite Veneers.

Porcelain Veneers: What Are They?

Unlike composite veneers, these are thin caps made from a porcelain laminate material. Porcelain veneers are usually the first suggestion by dental practitioners and dentists because they’re the longest-lasting and most durable. A porcelain veneer is also a permanent fix, meaning it cannot be removed once it is fitted onto the tooth. 

Let’s examine the advantages and disadvantages of using composite veneers or Porcelain Veneers.

Pros And Cons

Composite Veneers – Pros

  • Cost Effective: The main advantage that composite veneers have over porcelain veneers can be rightly said to be its cost. Composite veneers are a lot cheaper and may cost an average of $250 to $1,500 for one tooth, unlike porcelain veneers which are considerably more expensive at an average piece of $925 to $2,500. This reiterates that component veneers are your budget option compared to premium porcelain veneers. 
  • Repaired Easily: Compared to being cheaper, these veneers are easily repairable compared to porcelain veneers. If your veneer gets chipped or cracked, your dentist may be able to attend to it and fix it while there in the office and on a single appointment. This cannot be said for porcelain veneers, which would require a complete replacement in case of any damage to the veneer.
  • Less Prep Work: Last but not least, composite veneers are also easier to apply and require minimum prep work. Dentakay Clinic can complete the preparation and placement of new teeth in a single appointment because they do not have to deal with prep work like shaving the teeth and the others. 

Let’s dive into porcelain veneers now, shall we?

Porcelain Veneers – Pros

  • They Are The Gold Standard: Porcelain veneers are more robust, last longer, more resistant to stains, and look more natural. And it is because of these features it has become the industry standard for dental veneers.
  • More Natural Look: Porcelain veneers bear a close resemblance to your original tooth enamel and, in return, give the most natural look a dental veneer is capable of. Composite veneers also offer a natural appearance, but theirs can’t be compared to porcelain veneers. Another thing with porcelain is that they do not stain easily because it is virtually impossible to stick.
  • No Damages To Gums: The gum tissue surrounding your teeth is free from damage because porcelain veneers are properly bonded to the teeth. Although it’s very difficult for your teeth to be stained or discoloured when using Porcelain veneers. This doesn’t mean you should slack in remaining diligent in caring orally for yourself.

We’ve seen the pros; let’s move on to the cons.

Cons of Composite Veneers

  • Less Durable: Composite veneers are less durable than porcelain veneers. They end up not lasting for a long time. They are also prone to staining and discolouration despite their seemingly natural look in the early days of your application.
  • Requires Extra Care: Composite veneers require extra care if you want to preserve their aesthetic features and maintain the maximum lifespan. 

Cons of Porcelain Veneers

  • Expensive: Porcelain veneers being much more costly has led to them shunned by many looking for a cost-effective time. Lesser. But people don’t know that porcelain veneers come with good financing options.
  • Has A Lot of Maintenance: Getting veneers made from porcelain requires putting much effort into maintaining and caring for your teeth. This is important to avoid any damage to the veneer. Although you can remove or replace porcelain veneers if (very unlikely) one breaks or gets damaged.

Conclusion: Composite Veneers vs Porcelain Veneers, Who Wins?

We’ve looked at both of these dental veneers, and now it’s your turn to pick a side. Composite veneers are a cost-effective, quick, and easy way to get your dream smile. What’s more is that the process is reversible, so it may be a good option if you are too young or unsure about committing to composite veneers.

Porcelain veneers would be their best bet for those looking for a more permanent solution since they are much more durable and last way longer, with the added stain resistance to back it up. They also have a more natural appearance than composite veneers. As porcelain is usually easier on the gum line, we would recommend older patients opt for this treatment.

But you should also be aware that if you’re not sure of committing fully to dental veneers, porcelain is not for you since they are more permanent.

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