C3 en Leading {July 2022} Get Complete Information!

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In this article, we will try to understand the C3 principles and look at the goals that could be reached using C3 en Leading.

Have you heard of the principal Ple? Do you know team leaders use this Principle to set goals?

The foundation of team leadership is goal setting, and it’s frequently how leaders provide their team challenges, objectives, and incentive. But for goal-setting to be efficient and provide results, it must have a framework. The Principle is used in developed countries like Brazil and United States and developing ones like Vietnam. Read the following guide to learn more about C3 en Leading principles.

What is the principle, C3?

Realistic setting goals requires taking a step back from the daily grind and being honest with oneself about wants, dislikes, and the changes needed to reach objectives. The Principle is a potent tool for examining the underlying principles of the workplace environment and for establishing clear desires and disinterests.

Set realistic objectives anchored in the workplace culture and in line with the individual and collective growth of the team by seeing them through the clarity, commitment, and choice lens using C3 principles.

Clarity, Commitment, and Choice

Clarity begins with self-knowledge since this attribute defines a good leader. In C3 en Leading setting work objectives requires clarity into what motivates and the sources of attitudes and beliefs.

Make wise decisions based on understanding the organization’s culture and business plan and the clarity of rules and ideals. All decisions and actions stem from the organization’s clarity on its aims and culture.

Saying “yes” to something implies rejecting everything that conflicts with it. This will be challenging since not everyone will appreciate work devotion. So a team leader needs to stay committed to whatever has been planned on the work front. A team leader has to stay put and work with the team towards the goals of the organistaion.

Goals of the C3 en Leading

When team leaders identify their top priorities utilizing the C3 approach, it’s time to further de-construct them into smart objectives. Smart is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-framed.

A specific purpose is exact and comprehensive. Aim ought to be quantifiable. There should be clarity about what and how much the desire is to achieve the greatest results. Writing out the actions needed to accomplish objectives is a useful way to gauge its ease of access.

As soon as it is determined that the objective is doable, the need is to determine whether it is feasible or even reasonably high. Setting too low of bar results in C3 en Leading accomplishments that are simple to achieve and don’t challenge or satisfy.

For the objective to be accomplished, there should be a deadline. Without a deadline, it is impossible to rank the tasks that must be completed to reach the objective, and there is no method to monitor progress.


In this article, we discussed the principle of C3 and its use. We also discussed the 3 principles. Additionally, we saw what goals could be achieved using the Principle. To gain more knowledge regarding the C3 principles, click on.

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