Scotland is to Host the UK’s Largest Bitcoin Conference

Scotland is to Host the UK’s Largest Bitcoin Conference

October 2022 should prove to be a memorable year for the United Kingdom! It is the time when the Bitcoin conference will take place. This time, the venue is Scotland. It is supposed to be the UK’s largest conference in its cryptocurrency history. 

The Bitcoin Conference

The Conference has a vision and mission to fulfill. It hopes to provide greater information through about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It hopes that this education will suffice to create two revolutions. One would be a financial revolution. The other would be a technological one. The revolutions would disseminate across the UK.

True, the digital currency world is witnessing a bearish run. Regardless, the conference will go ahead. The organizers are Bitcoin Collective. It is a new establishment, formed recently. It will host the event, in collaboration with OKX and Bitcoin. OKX refers to a cryptocurrency exchange. Bitcoin, of course, refers to the parent company. 

The venue of the Conference is Edinburgh. The exact location is the Assembly Rooms, George Street. 

The community’s combined efforts have served to build the Conference from the grassroots level. Although a few months away, many are already expressing eagerness to attend it. It is because globally-reputed speakers are going to be present. 

For instance, there is Greg Foss, a strategist from Validus Power Corp. The host of Coin Stories, Natalie Brunell, is another one. Price of Tomorrow’s author, Jeff Booth is also going to be present. Samson Mow, the CEO of Jan3, will make it to the Conference, too. Lawrence Lepard, who dabbles in many things, will also be available. His quote – Fix the money, Fix the world – is quite famous!

Some more famous speakers include an author, a CEO, and a podcaster. The author is Allen Farrington. He wrote Bitcoin in Venice. The CEO heads CoinCorner. He is Danny Scott. Peter McCormack is the podcaster, responsible for What Bitcoin Did. 

Bitcoin Collective’s Approach

Bitcoin Collective’s CEO, Jordan Walker feels that many people lack complete knowledge. They find it difficult to comprehend how money works. Sound money, macroeconomics, etc., only seem like fancy words to them. 

Regardless, the Bitcoin Conference does not intend to focus on them. It does not intend to focus on cryptocurrencies, either. Instead, it intends to concentrate on Bitcoin. At the same time, the discussions do not intend to harp on investing in, or purchasing Bitcoin. The conference will aim towards providing a thrilling, educational experience!

People should know about distinguishing between Bitcoin and other digital currencies. They should learn about Bitcoin’s sound money principles. The first step has already been taken. It arrives in the form of the Bitcoin Collective podcast. Lucy-Rose Walker, Jordan Walker, and Jim Duffy are the backers of the podcast. They are the founders of Bitcoin Collective, too.

Bitcoin Collective believes that all should have access to Bitcoin. Religion, gender, or race, should never prove obstacles to access.

OKX’s Approach

It is a highly-reputed global cryptocurrency exchange. The company is putting its international network into place. It is also bringing together expert staff, to lend support to the Conference. The team is also offering support to the UK’s Bitcoin movement, which is still at the grassroots level. 

The idea is to enhance users’ accessibility to the Bitcoin platform. OKX also hopes to bring a closer connection between global customers and educational resources. 

Haider Rafique is OKX’s Chief Marketing Officer. He has observed that the UK houses a wonderful community of Bitcoin fans. The Conference will enable the coming together of common mindsets. It will prompt the sharing of ideas. It will help in the incubation of services and products. It will aid the next generation to become innovative developers or shrewd entrepreneurs. 

OKX desires to have a group of knowledgeable, responsible, and long-term traders on hand. They should take anything and everything connected to Bitcoin, to the next level!


The Conference will focus on specific topics. They include the Bitcoin blockchain, its Network, Bitcoin’s genesis, viewing Bitcoin as sound money, and Bitcoin’s future. This Conference is only the first. Every year, a similar event will take place. However, the geographical locations may differ.

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