Bill 124 Nurses America {Feb 2022} Action & Steps of ONA

Latest News Bill 124 Nurses America

The main target of the article is to discuss all the validated features and applications of Bill 124 Nurses America.

Are you aware of “Bill 124”?

Many healthcare professionals, especially nurses, are fighting against the bill. The bill directly limits their increments and salaries.

As per the bill, health professionals only receive a 1 per cent increment on their wages. Nurses and other health professionals think it is a suppression move by the legislative body.  

Although the protest is happening in Ontario City, the bill also takes the health professionals’ attention in the United States.

So, let’s start a discussion about – Bill 124 Nurses America

What Do You Know about the Bill? 

In the board way, the “Bill 124″ means the Protecting and Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act.” The bill was passed in 2019 by the “Ford Government” to minimize the salaries and wages increments of the public sector’s employees to reduce the financial burden of the government. 

The bill enforces that employees in the public health care sector receive 1 per cent or more minor increments. The legislative agency imposes the rules for up to three years.

The bill should follow all public health care agencies and sectors except the local municipal health agencies and other public agencies. 

What Is Bill 124 For Nurses

Our research says the bill already affects many nurses working in the public sectors and agencies. 

The bill’s regulations have already limited their hike in wages and salaries for three years. But “Ontario Nurses Organization” or “ONA” is already criticizing the bill.

“ONA” claimed that the bill deliberately suppressed the “Charter Rights” that give the powers of the free bargain of wages. The “ONA” launches the lawsuit against “bill 124”.

“Ontario Nurses Organization” also criticizes this legislative movement. In their opinion, by enforcing this bill, the government disrespects their work and sacrifices during the pandemic situation.

Bill 124 Nurses America

Many law experts say the bill will also affect the public sector workers of America. 

If the bill is also implemented in the US land, teachers and health professionals face similar consequences. 

Many health professionals claim the bill disrespect their profession, service, equality rights. So, the “ONA” demanded to cancel the bill immediately. The nurse’s organization is started multiple agitations and protests against the bill. In recent update the members of the organization strongly protest against the bill on last Sunday. 

Many protesters already share their concerns directly to the Treasury Board President against Bill 124 Nurses USA

Actions Taken by Ontario Nurses Organization

In the meanwhile, “ONA” expressed their view on the bill. They have taken many steps to oppose the bill as a reputed organization. 

  1. The organization has started an “SMS Campaign” to abolition the bill. 
  2. Already discussed their concern with the “Member of Provincial Parliament”. 
  3. The organization repeatedly organizes meetings and rallies and mobilizes its people. 


“ONA” clears their demands. The employees working in the public health care sector demand respectful wage increments. The organization also requires overdue clearance by the legislative authority. 

And finally, the organization wants to cancel Bill 124 Nurses America

But as per the recent media update, there is no further update given by the legislative authority on the bill.  

You can also check for more information by clicking this link

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