Is Psychology a Hard Major?

Complete Information Is Psychology a Hard Major

Psychology isn’t just about studying notes and remembering them; it has much to do with real-world situations. Like any other field of study, a genuine interest in the field is essential to success. Due to the wide range of fields and subfields, everyone can find something they’re interested in. This includes students who love to study the science itself, as well as those who want to apply the skills they learn to a career. 

But if you’re finding the rigor of your degree to be too much to bear, you might want to go into one of the more accessible subfields. A degree in psychology requires you to take on certain responsibilities. There is a need to do psychology homework and seek help if the assignments are complex.

If you feel psychology is a challenging major to study, you may consider some coping strategies. Listening to music while trying to comprehend psychological concepts may be helpful. Also, seek guidance from tutors, colleagues, and seniors. None of this will make psychology one of the easiest online phd programs, but asking for help from experienced and more knowledgeable individuals certainly will have numerous benefits.

How hard is Psychology compared to Psychiatry Degrees?

Students majoring in psychology study human development and behavior. Students in psychiatry primarily study medicine and human biology. 

Earning a degree in psychology takes four years of undergraduate study, after which individuals can typically commence professional life or further training. Acquiring a psychiatry degree involves an average of twelve years. It takes four years each at college for a bachelor’s degree, medical school, and psychiatry residency to earn psychiatry board certification.

Undergraduate studies for a psychiatrist are associated with pre-medicals, which emphasize several science disciplines such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology, among others. Some of psychology’s most foundational fields of study include criminology, biology, environmental science, forensic science, sociology, and other related study items.

Psychology and psychiatry differ in many ways. While psychiatrists can prescribe medicine, psychologists typically do not. There are distinctions between the education and training required, the salaries paid, and how the professionals are trained to interact with clients.

By training, it is apparent that a psychiatry degree may appear harder when compared with a psychology degree. It takes a long time and a more profound commitment to acquire the license to practice. In all, it is essential to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses before pursuing either of the degrees. Some may find a psychiatry degree easier compared to a psychology degree and vice versa.

The hardest part of Psychology and how to make it work

There are many aspects that make psychology a tricky subject to study. It’s a broad field with different sub-areas, such as clinical, cognitive, developmental or social. Moreover, subjects like behavioral therapy or statistical methods are also part of the curriculum. To make things even more difficult, there are different theories based on assumptions that can be conflicting. That’s why it can be hard to form a general understanding based on what you learn in classes.

It might seem obvious, but you have to like what you’re doing in order to put in the effort needed to succeed. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to enjoy everything related to psychology. Perhaps you hate the subject at first, but that’s normal if you don’t understand what’  going on. Grades don’t matter that much at this stage; you just have to get started. Get help if you need it, and start doing some background reading on the subjects you find difficult.

Once you get going, the subject will start making more sense. You will get involved and interested, which is exactly what you need to reach that “ah-ha” moment. That moment comes  when you finally get a concept or an idea that you’ve been struggling with for a long time. This is when psychology becomes fun – for most people. In fact, many would say that this is the stage when the subject really starts to shine.

Psychology study tips for college

Scaling through college may come easier with the following helpful tips.

  1. Take time to study regularly and plan your study time.
  2. Give your material critical analysis by studying actively.
  3. Participate actively in class and ask probing questions.
  4. Take time to study alone before participating in group discussions.
  5. Eliminate any form of distraction, or at least mitigate the level of distraction.
  6. Use the library and tap into all available resources to gain understanding.
  7. Get enough sleep, and don’t over-worry yourself.
  8. Be conscious of learning from everyone around you.
  9. Admit your weaknesses and seek help.
  10. Be a critical observer. Always keep your eyes and ears open.

Is Psychology hard in Online Courses?

Psychology as a major notably becomes easier when the learning platform is transitioned to the online setting. Online learning allows more time to study and achieve greater results. There is flexibility. You do not need to attend class at specific times, which exemplifies less pressure compared to the traditional classroom setting. 

It is less challenging because one can complete the course’s tasks at one’s convenient pace. Coursera, Udacity, Futurelearn, Udemy, and edX, among others, offer online courses that can assist in building a career as a psychologist.

There are many online courses available, and the best course for you will depend on your specific interests and goals. 

Here are a few suggestions for online courses:

  • Introduction to Psychology: The concepts of the brain and behavior, development, personality, and social psychology are all covered in this introductory course provided by Coursera.
  • Positive Psychology: edX presents a course that looks at happiness and success from a scientific perspective. It discusses positive emotions and attitudes, such as perseverance and appreciation.
  • Abnormal Psychology: Causes, diagnoses, and therapies for abnormal behavior are discussed in this Coursera course. It covers mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and personality problems.
  • Introduction to Social Psychology: This edX course explores the scientific investigation of interpersonal cognition, emotion, and behavior. Group dynamics, violence, and social influence are all discussed.

You may also want to consider looking for courses that are specifically tailored to your interests or goals. For example, if you are interested in a career in counseling or therapy, you may want to look for courses in clinical psychology or counseling techniques. If you are more interested in research, you may want to look for courses in research methods or statistics.

Accreditation for an Online Psychology Degree

An accredited online degree program is a program that has been reviewed and approved by an accreditation body, which is often the American Psychological Association (APA) or any government authority. 

Online Accreditation degrees can be national, regional, and professional. No one deserves to waste time, effort, and expenses towards majoring on an unaccredited online platform. Many institutions do disguise themselves as accredited, whereas they are not. 

For students interested in an online degree, it is advisable to research the schools carefully. They should not rush to make a hasty decision to start class swiftly. It can be difficult at times to identify an accredited online psychology degree. A search on the APA’s website or that of the country’s Department of Education may be helpful to confirm an accredited online degree.


Is Psychology a good major?

Yes, it is a good major. Offering courses like human cognition and social psychology during your undergraduate studies, it can provide a framework for understanding how people think and operate.

Psychology is also a pathway to many careers. A degree in this field can be a stepping stone to a career in other fields like counselling research, social work, human resource, or education. Life is about making an impact. People with psychology degrees have an easy opportunity to help others. They assist others in overcoming the effects of trauma, dealing with a mental illness, or achieving personal targets.

Is Psychology a hard major?

It may be hard to major in this field without determination, considering the extensive amount of work involved. Interest in putting in work is essential. Many students find it easy because they find studying the human mind and behavior very fascinating. Beyond the interest, you should be ready to consume remarkable knowledge. 

Is a Psychology Degree hard to find jobs with?

Finding a job with a Psychology major may largely depend on your personal abilities and interest. This degree has high worth in the job market because of the range of skills majors acquire in the course of their study. The market attraction has influenced many to major in psychology. However, in recent times, employability has been subjected to debates.

Employability spans working as a psychologist, mental health counselor, human resource specialist, public relations representative, social worker, psychotherapist, educational psychologist, researcher, and correctional treatment specialist, among others. Finding a job may be much easier with a Master’s degree or a related course after a bachelor’s degree. 

Is Psychology aid for an Accounting Degree real?

Yes, it is real. Accounting degrees offer an understanding of how a business should operate. Psychology aid for Accounting Degree makes the skill to develop effective marketing strategies and campaigns come in handy.

Also, the union of both disciplines in an individual will make it easy to develop organizational strategies that maximize efficiency and wide profit margins. Both fields are valuable in many companies.

Wrapping up

Career prospects in this field are rewarding. As of 2023, a clinical psychologist, forensic psychologist, health psychologist, and family therapist can earn as high as $84,000, $60,000, $97,740, and $49, 170 respectively, as starting salary.

It is a worthy discipline to major in. One acquires unique and critical thinking skills that are applicable in a variety of settings and everyday life. With enough focus, it won’t be hard to break through as a specialist. 

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