Signs It May Be Time for a Loved One to Move into Assisted Living

Signs It May Be Time for a Loved One to Move into Assisted Living

When you live with and care for an elderly relative, there are some things that you really want to consider, such as when they may need to move into an assisted living complex.

Over the years, a lot of assisted or supported living homes have gotten a bad reputation, which means that more people want to keep their loved ones out of such places, rather than have them move into them. However, changes have been made across the board, and now, there are more advantages than ever (for you and your relative) if they move into an assisted living complex.

The advantages are well known, but for many family members, it can be hard to spot the indicators that your loved one may need a bit of additional support. How do you know when it is time? Here are some key issues and symptoms to keep an eye out for. 

They Are Struggling to Get About

Most older people have mobility issues, usually due to medical conditions, like arthritis or even degenerative disorders. As a response to this, you may have adapted your or their home to help them get about, especially on the upper floor and in the bathroom. So, it can be a sign to look out for if they are still finding it harder to get about. This can take the form of them spending most of their time in one room, relocating to the ground floor, and their home becoming dirtier and more unkempt. If you see any of these issues, you may need to start looking for a San Jose senior living facility that can ensure easier access to the entire grounds. This will also reduce the risk of your loved one falling and becoming injured.

Their Memory Issues Are Getting More Complicated

After the age of 60, it is reported that many people begin to suffer from memory decline, also known as cognitive decline. So, mom or dad forgetting where they put their keys is not too much of an issue. However, if they begin forgetting more important things, such as paying bills, eating, or even the names of you and their friends, this is a sign of something more worrying, rel=”nofollow”such as a stroke or even dementia. Be sure to always have any memory issues assessed by a doctor trained in this area and then plan the next steps.

They Aren’t Eating

Going back to the issue of forgetting to eat, it can be shocking for many relatives when they see their elderly loved one and notice how thin they are. If they are eating normally, then an underlying health issue will need to be checked for. However, if they are finding it hard to cook, or are forgetting to eat, then an assisted living facility will ensure that they get all of the food that they need 3 times a day, so they will put some weight back on quickly.

They Have More Accidents

When it comes to people who are older, accidents in the home tend to occur in 2 areas: the bathroom and on the stairs. 

So, if your loved one has more falls or injuries from moving around the home, it is in the interests of their health to move them into somewhere that can ensure they are kept safe and has the appropriate equipment to help them to do so. Also, it may be the case that your elderly loved one is starting to suffer from incontinence. This can be embarrassing for them, but by living in a supported living community, they will have access to staff who can ensure that they have access to the appropriate level of nursing care.

Their Health Issues Are Becoming More Complicated

Health issues get more complicated as someone gets older. Plus, these ailments can have a lot of physical and mental ramifications. For instance, if your loved one has been diagnosed with kidney issues, along with mild dementia, arthritis, and heart disease, this can be very hard to manage appropriately in the home. With access to 24-hour nursing staff, an assisted living facility will be able to offer help and will ensure that your loved one is kept up to date relating to all their medications.

They Are lonely

Nobody wants their older relatives to be lonely, but this is often exacerbated by mobility issues or cognitive decline. So, if you notice that they are struggling to get attention and cannot go out to make new friends, it may be time to consider supported living for them. That way, they will be surrounded by people all day, every day.

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