Again Bill Gates is Against Cryptocurrencies and Ntfs

Complete Guide Information Again Bill Gates is Against Cryptocurrencies and Ntfs

Again Bill Gates is Against Cryptocurrencies: The News Spy platform is the opinions of many of the big investors, entrepreneurs, or even artistic personalities often affecting cryptocurrencies.

Many of these tend to support this concept of the digital financial market. In contrast, others only manage to give opinions against them.

Gates’ opinions are always shocking.

Bill Gates is the Co-founder of the Microsoft Company, considered on the Forbes list as number four of the richest in the world, who has also consistently shown a radical attitude towards digital currencies.

As if the critical situation that not only digital currencies but many traditional financial assets are going through was not enough, the statements of influential people such as Bill Gates, in this case, may even have some effect on the digital economy.

Unfortunately, Bitcoin has decreased in value by almost 50% compared to the deals reached for November and December 2021 figures that, for many, are pretty alarming.

This businessman of significant influence not only in the technological aspect but also in the financial aspect has indicated his position for a long time; it is not something new that is extravagant in the already quite moved situation of cryptocurrencies.

Among some of his previous statements, he has compared Bitcoin users where he assumes that if people do not have fortunes like Elon Musk, they should not invest in cryptocurrencies.

This investor, businessman, and technologist do not have any digital currency among his various investments.

In his latest statements, this computer genius indicates that his investments have always been more traditional, that is to say, that he has always invested in tangible assets such as properties of any type, from a farm to sophisticated real estate.

An environmental position in favor of the world

Bill Gates’ position in recent statements comes at a time when cryptocurrencies are not precisely in the best moment; even so, he suspiciously referred to NFTs, where he assumes that their creation does not contribute to a better world.

Remember that there have also been many positions, including organizations for the environment, regarding the issue of Bitcoin mining. A series of measures have been taken that benefit all parties.

More and more mining companies are creating sufficiently energy-saving equipment whose harmful effect on the environment is relatively minor.

His position is not at all bullish on Bitcoin, even when history and developments in crypto have proven otherwise.

Financial cycles are complex; no one knows what to expect even when a trend is stable over time.

Not only are cryptocurrencies susceptible to changes and decisions made in the financial and economic environment, but unfortunately, all the decisions that have been developed in the economic environment have not been beneficial for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The fall of Terra Luna was among his opinions, where he indicates that this reflects the vulnerability and instability of this emerging digital financial market.

Invest in the Metaverse and not in Bitcoin

For many people, the fact that Microsoft is one of the companies that has invested millions of dollars in this new technological proposal that is just taking its first steps has been contradictory.

All the negotiations that will be carried out once people are immersed in this new technological environment will handle cryptocurrencies as the currency of traditional use in this ecosystem.

With the investments of the company directed by Bill Gates, considered the most ambitious in terms of the video game industry, it is there where it gives a lot to think about since the essence of many of these video games is to provide their users rewards and these rewards are usually in digital currencies.

The financial market is very contradictory and complex many times, which can sometimes be for or against an inevitable economic trend.

The statements of this businessman have always been radical. However, he rarely comments on cryptographic investments; when he does make them, they are usually devastating for users of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


Cryptocurrencies have so many characteristics and are part of such a diverse market where anyone can be part of it, be it with little or a lot of capital, without distinction of social status or any other type of difference in the world.

That is why when various opinions are issued; sometimes the market becomes vulnerable since it depends mainly on its followers’ positioning.

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