Is Lovesales Legit (May 2022) Read Authentic Reviews!

Read this article to find out Is Lovesales Legit or a scam by knowing all the parameters of this website in detail.

Can I mention you as a fashion lover? Want to buy unique clothes for your partner? Before you buy any dresses, you need to know a few things. We live in an era where scammers use the Internet as their best scamming tool. 

So, before you decide to buy a merchandise from Lovesales, you need to read this article because people living in the United States of America want an authentic website review to save themselves from fraud. 

Now read this content, and you will be able to get your answer to your question Is Lovesales Legit?

Authenticity factor of Lovesales:

It has become necessary for us to know about all the parameters before we conclude. Nowadays, scammers are using duplicate domains to scam buyers. If buyers know these parameters, it will be helpful for all to save themselves from those websites.

Scammers mainly target those buyers who don’t have sufficient knowledge about those websites. So, if you are planning to buy a product from this website, you need to know those parameters. 

  • Domain construction date: This domain has been active since 4th June 2007. In simple words, it has been active for 15 years.
  • Consumer reviews: No client has given any Lovesales Reviews on their product page.
  • Trust mark: This website has achieved a good trust score of 76 percent. It makes this website a trustworthy one.
  • Plagiarism: The content used on this website is hundred percent unique. They do not copy any content.
  • Domain Expiry: The domain for this website will expire on 4th June 2023.
  • Alexa ranking: We found this website does not have any Alexa ranking.
  • Social Media: Yes, this website has uploaded all social media sites, and every icon is activated and working properly.
  • Trust Index: While searching Is Lovesales Legit we found this website has gained a trust index score of 80 percent.
  • Owner details: This website has provided owner info on its website portal, and it is a good sign for this portal.

What is love sales?

It is a portal that mainly deals various types of clothes for both men and women. But this website knows how to attract huge traffic on their website, by providing links that will help you to do shopping from the renowned brand.

After providing these types of customers, a question that clicks us Is Lovesales Legit? Specification of this website will give us the answer.


  • Domain Name:
  • Alexa Ranking: This website has not published its Alexa ranking
  • URL address
  • Email customer support: [email protected]
  • Communication Number for customer: 161 914 9671 / 0788 110 4450 
  • Location: Yes, available 
  • Shipping and delivery policy: This website delivers products within 3 to 4 days.
  • Return Policy: This website has maintained 26 days return policy 
  • Refund: The repayment amount will be credited within 48 hours to 72 hours.
  • Social Media: Yes, it has uploaded it on their portal.
  • Payment: Yes, various payment methods are available.

PROS and CONS will decide Is Lovesales Legit?

PROS of Lovesales:

  • This website has implemented HTTPS certification, which plays a vital role on a website.
  • A social media handle is available to help us know what this website plans to do.
  • The return policy of this website will attract users.
  • The shipping policy of this website is impressive.

CONS of Lovesales:

  • The price of their product is higher compared to other websites.
  • This website shares customer data with other providers.
  • Packaging quality is not up to the mark of this website as per customer review.

Love sales Reviews:

This domain has been active for more than 15 years. We have decided to look for customer reviews, but we do not find any customer reviews on their portal. But we found social media discussions, and people gave positive feedback.

Popular websites have also stated this site as a trustworthy one. In addition to this text, click here if you want to know how to save money from PayPal scams.

Final Verdict:

As per our research, we have gained enough evidence, and we now have the answer to your question Is Lovesales Legit? Yes, this website is legit, and the trust score of this website is very good. Social media discussions and popular websites said this website is trustworthy.

So, you can buy but read all the details of this website first. So, comment on your views about this website review in our comment box. Moreover, click here to read the terms and service page and know how to save money from Credit Card Scam.

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