Reviews Guideline

In today’s digitally transformed world, people are progressing towards e-commerce and online transactions rapidly. In this hustle of advancement, there are a few elements that find loopholes and betray consumers massively.

The main motive behind the formation of is to reveal the truth behind such trappers with research and analysis. We believe in a safe and informed decision and help doing so. 

To ensure that this challenging and tough task remains our policy, we follow some strict Reviews Guideline

  • Objectivity- our mantra: to deliver fair and objective content, we keep our mindset trained as required. In that way, it becomes easy for us to write good and bad points in a review. 
  • No Promotion: When we took an oath of supplying objective perspective, we were determined not to accept promotions from any brand or company. believes in earning trust, not the funds.
  • No Compromise with Accuracy: It is our significant and primary centre of point to deliver accurate information, and for that, our experts may pay attention to minute details. The collection is done only from reliable sources regarding a product or website. 
  • Writing is a powerful weapon: We here at hire a team of content writers who have a hawk-like eye for details. They are the masters of words and believers of creativity.
  • Rigorous analysis and verification: we know the profound impact of a single sentence published on our site. Therefore, every post goes through the process of editing by the editorial team at hastabc.orgWe correct all the updated facts from our posts if any company contact us regarding that. 

Review, Review, and Review 

On which grounds did Reviews work?

  • It alerts consumers of possible scams and frauds they might get trapped into.
  • It gives correct information about websites, products, and other sensational topics. 
  • People read our reviews and find out the trustworthy investments online. 
  • It promotes unbiased, accurate, and relevant content amid fake writings. 

What can you expect from Reviews?

  • Beauty Products
  • Health supplements 
  • Financial services
  • Household products
  • Gadgets and electronics 
  • Real Estate Services
  • Clothes and Accessories 
  • Games & Apps

What qualities does a perfect Review have? 

  • It must contain valid and relevant information.
  • While creative, it should include concrete and to-the-point content.
  • It should involve personal opinion and experience. 
  • Always pay extra attention to details and facts.
  • The content should be unique and without and grammatical errors.
  • The review should be written in a proper format.
  • Avoid long and tiresome paragraphs.

What mistakes must one avoid in a Review?

  • Writing content with fake and sugar-coated words to hide the truth.
  • A review is boasting a product or a company for promotions unnecessarily. 
  • Including abusive and hate-spreading words.
  • Copying the content from a secondary source to save time.
  • With the help of third parties, hijacking the comment section for better ratings. 

Do we care to Remove any Review?

We, hastabc.orgfirmly adhere to our guidelines and would never to adjust when it comes to following them. So, we can remove those review articles that run in a different direction.  

We believe in freedom of expression and respect the opinion of a reviewer and a consumer. Therefore, we do not delete any post just because a company may find fault in our genuine content. 

Are we running from any kind of Reviews?

As we have mentioned above about our strict policy of following our Reviews Guideline, we do not publish those posts which don’t care about them. 

It is in both parties’ best interest if each Guideline will be followed before sending or publishing a review at

We are glad to show both negative and positive reviews about a product or a website as long as it is purely based on facts and relevant information. 

We play fair and only take those reviews which were sent by a verified user and registered account. The user will get an account activation link through which they will be able to move further. 

The person without a verified email wouldn’t be able to publish their reviews on our site. 


Despite the ocean of content available online, we at always ensure the best-quality reviews without any biasness and fake information. We care about all the consumers out there. 

Though we may make mistakes as a team of humans, we are thriving here for improvement and development each day. 

We are strict towards our policies and Reviews Guideline and hence, ask every user to read this whole article thoroughly before moving forward with us. 

If you have any query regarding our process, you can write to us.