About Us

We have been working in this domain for quite some time. We have published numerous reviews, articles, etc., to help and assist our readers with their online endeavors. 

The internet is full of scams and illegitimate websites lurking around to claim their next victim. You can obtain crucial details and other relevant information about various websites and know about their legitimacy on our platform. It will help you avoid fraud schemes and scams and save your precious data, information, and money.

Our information is well researched and written in a clear, concise, and easily understandable manner. Furthermore, we ensure that we only mention authentic information in our articles or posts.

What do We do?

We publish website reviews, product reviews and publish news articles about all the latest happenings around the globe. Our content contains genuine, well-researched, well-organized, and structured articles to empower users with knowledge. Our reviews are impartial and honest. 

We want to mention that we don’t have any partnerships or affiliations with any of the websites or products published on our platform. We don’t get paid by these brands or websites to write about their products or websites

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide genuine information about them through extensive research. Our information is accurate, and we do not hesitate to tell if a website or product is a scam.

Our Goal

Our goal is simple, to give the power back in the hands of the users. We offer you all the relevant information you’ll need to avoid falling into the trap of scams and get the latest news about important events to keep yourself updated. If you keep in touch with our platform, you’ll never fall for these online tricks. 

Users have doubts and suspicions about the authenticity and quality of various websites or products listed on some websites. In that scenario, we can act as your one-stop solution to all such problems. We publish articles about various products and websites to give our readers all the essential information.

Our Forte

One of our striking features is that we publish articles around the clock due to the continuous effort of our team that doesn’t settle for anything less than perfection. Our extended hours allow us to cover all the latest trendy websites, products, events so users can find everything they need.

Why choose us over others?

It’s only natural for this question to arise in your mind. After all, we’re not the only platform working in this domain. You’ll find that several websites offer services similar to ours. However, many factors make us stand out among others.

  • Quality of our content:  A single glance at our published article will reveal that our content is of the highest quality. We have been active in this field for quite some time and have picked up all the necessary skills to become a leading name. The quality of our content remains unmatched.
  • Experienced Writers and Staff: We cannot publish high-quality content without our writers. Our staff consists of many professional writers and editors who have extensive experience in this field. Our team is always striving for perfection and never settles for mediocrity. Our content is evidence of this claim.
  • Unbiased and Impartial Information: Unlike other platforms, we’re not affiliated with any of the websites and products we review or the news articles we publish. It allows us to be completely honest, unbiased, and impartial while mentioning details about them. So, you can always count on us to provide you with genuine information.


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Criticism and honest comments and opinions are effective methods to improve yourself. We aim to improve ourselves with every article we publish. Your feedback can be very beneficial for us in this process. Therefore, we request you to give us your feedback on our articles and point out the shortcomings. We’ll work to improve them in the subsequent articles.

Correction Policy

Our writers perform extensive research and ensure that it’s accurate before mentioning it in the articles. However, it’s only human to make mistakes. So, if you ever come across any false or inaccurate information on our website, kindly let us know about it. Our team will get on it right away. 

If you have any complaints about the product or website we’re reviewing instead of our content, it’s best to take that complaint up with the authorities of that website or product. For more information, connect with us via hastabc38@gmail{dot}org